(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 05:22

Ok so now I am back on the story of Last weekend. So when the vet left I asked my mom if me and Rachel could stay the night. So at first she said no but w/ some begging and pleading she said that we could! Rachel was like "Rock On" lol. Then we had to go and ask Jackie and she was gonna say no but then she said that we could and then Tori wanted to stay to so she did.

We stayed in the "Hut" and it was soo warm. We cranked the heat up to 80 and we had a long night of laughter! I was stashing the cookies, Rachel cant stay still, Tori talks really loud, Rachel talking really funny, the horses were scaring us, and a night to get to know each other better. Ever hour we went in the barn to go and check on Glory and it was so much fun.

We went to be at 3:30 with Tori sleeping in the bed and me and Rachel sleeping in the chairs. In the morning Tori had to leave to go home and me and Rachel went for a trail ride. I rode Seeker and she rode Tyler. Boy are those trails freeky! Empty trailors with broken windows, weird marks in the snow, big dog prints, and many more things. The trails were freaking until we got to the road because there was nothing freaky going on lol.

But when we got to the road I got on Tyler because Seeker was being bad. Tyler is so much fun! He really has that Tennesee Walker gait lol it is so much fun! But on the way home we met some people that we knew...but not when we first saw them. They were the people that tryed to do Pat Perelli but couldnt do it. So let's just say that they know that they know Ed. And that was the weekend on last weekend!

<3 Alex <3
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