Feb 26, 2005 14:07
Soo Tired. Just got back home from our trainer, Jackie's oldest daughter' Ali's B-day party at a hotel. It was fun. There was Me, Melissa (my love) ; ), Emily, Mal, Ali, Troi, Jackie, and Gerry (for half of the time.) It was soo much fun! We went to bed at 4 and we went swimming for most of the time so now I am really tired.
Right now I am packing to go to Jackie's house for a sleep over. Melissa I wish that you were here! I wuvv you Melissa Wasson. Muah! Oh and Melissa you need to come over soon!
I really wanted to ride today..But we didnt : (
No parents are home and Jackie didnt want to go to the barn. Me and Melissa are the only ones that loveJakcie's horses. She should just sell them to us. We pay for everything! Lol :) Now that would be heaven! *He He Evil scheme*
Ha Ha Melissa ^ Soo many good times!