Dec 05, 2007 23:20
I've listened to this damn song at least 40 times int he past three days. it's sick. I can't get it out of my head, and I don't want to. Even as I'm listening I just wat to listen again.
I haven't felt this way about a song in years.
It pulls apart my soul. I want to be the girl in the blue dress. I want to be the singer. I want to be the frat boys, and the empty dance floor. i want to be the fences.
I know i'll get tired of it by the time the album comes out and everyone falls in love with it, but until then I'm doomed to have to go to freaking mysapce to listen to this song.
Dear God of All Things Mike Doughty -
I know you like me more then most people. Please send me this song to put in my itunes. Or maybe an even better one by Mike.
the girl in the pajamas.
P.S I've listened to the song twice while typing this little post. It's a disease I want.
mike doughty; girl in the blue dress; mu