what the hell house?

Nov 05, 2007 22:19

just finished watching an old (2001) documentary about Hell House, the original Christian 'haunted house', that at least a thousand others have based themselves off of. Instead of vampires and mad scientists, they show fake abortions and ravers. No, I'm not joking. For some visual aid, please consult - (abbreviated for humor and appropriateness).


The director who did this was brilliant. No Michael Moore style tactics. No voice overs, mocking of the stupid, or what seemed to be biased recording. There was just  a camera watching these wackadoos scare heathens for the lord. As usual, the most terrifying thing was the truth, and watching this people so ill-informed go about trying to portray the sins of the world, seemed priceless.
The highlight of the film for me was either the ex-raver who didn't know the name of the date-rape drug, which he had supposedly seen people on, and compared it's use to taking too much NyQuil ( I hope he was referring to GHB). Or the argument between the two men about what color the pentagram would be painted. the one wanted to pain it white, while the other said that was ludicrous, it had to be painted white. The first questions the seconds authority, and the second came back with 'don't you remember that warlock a few years back gave us hell for the few white candles in occult scene. He said there ain't no white in dark magic.' - that's right grandpa, and there ain't no black in your churches. So they agree that the pentagram must be painted red. Then they flash to a few hours later, when the red on black pentagram is done, on it's actually the 6 pointed star of David, and no one has noticed.
Anyhow, well worth it you have an hour and a half to be scared out of your wits by southerners.
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