Dec 27, 2001 13:20
Yup, that's right, normal is a bad thing if taken too far. There are those that would claim there's no such thing as normal and beg to differ. We all have our own ideas of what normal is, therefore, normal is defined within ourselves. We make up the boundaries of normal and decide that it's not us and never will be. In all actuality there is no set definition of normal, but there is a definition that we each hold within ourselves. So does that mean normal is a good thing or a bad thing? That depends on how you define it and how you compare that definition to yourself. If you beat yourself up for not being normal by your own standards, normal is not a good thing. If you take your definition of normal and decide that it's not really important for you to be that because you like who you are, sure, normal is fine. We should be comfortable with ourselves despite what society say we should be. We were each created as beautifully different, why would you want to change yourself to be like someone else? You have within you a beautiful spirit that gives you the capability to change the world around you. All you have to do is look within yourself and make something of what you've been given. Never lose faith in who you are and who you can become. To do so would cause you to lose much purpose in life.