27 stages of change

Jan 03, 2013 08:22

1. Be reminded on some gut level of why you want or need to change

2. Avoid everything related to changing

3. Consider those who have changed

4. Compare yourself to those whose lives are different

5. Attack yourself for not changing

6. Start to take the first step towards change

7. Become overwhelmed

8. Wallow a bit

9. Consider the benefits of change

10. Get motivated or inspired by others whose lives are different

11. Be reminded on some gut level of how things are miserable for you now

12. Ask for help

13. Experience a sense of efficacy or encouragement

14. Experience a setback or discouragement

15. Try again

16. Become overwhelmed

17. Avoid people and places reminding you of change, at least for a while

18. Give up

19. Try again

20. Get reminded of how miserable you are

21. Approach everything that you've tried to avoid

22. Get overwhelmed

23. Take a small step and stick with it

24. Notice the pros and cons of the small step

25. Rant and rave to other people in your life about how things aren't working

26. Try to get help again

27. Get motivated, take another step.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Don't kid yourself.

This is hard work.
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