Jul 13, 2005 19:13
Well i am now finally 21 which is sweet, i can finally buy my own shit and not have to depend on someone to get it......The paty was awesome, alot of cool people showed up, fucking branden showed up which made me happy, mike made some awesome jungle juice..i got fucking smashed like whoa, went to the bar with my mom and got an H-bomb(hypnotiq and redbull) very good i might add. Bought some vodka and a sparks( oh how i love thee)it was sweet how may people actually wore there togas it was hot... A couple of buddies came from work which was cool, Thanx ryan and brian for coming to my party and thnx to all who came to my party i really appreciate it. oh and i know a couple of people will agree with me and back me up but chris h. is not gay, maybe bi but mos def not gay...LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAH oh man i suck so bad. anyways that was my weekend nothing really new in my world, been going on a download frenzy.. oh i might add that U2 (their early stuff is fucking amazing- early=from the 80's) well yeah this weekend should be quite nice, but i am going to go now.