Oct 07, 2004 21:37
wow! i havent updates in a while....
well nothings new in my life. school is alright...i cant wait till kane's party its going to be the greatest.sometimes i just really want her to be there for me, to be my mom, but its like now shes a teenager. shes acting the same way i do. she crys about the most immature things (which i do) and now that i think of it, i think how stupid can i eve get. and she becomes a whole different person next to her b.f. (i dont do that luckily). im glad shes having a really great time, but hello? im here, im ur daughter u need to pay attention to me 2...
i wish she knew how i felt.
heres a poem i wrote about it...
it feels like I lost her,
like she forgot about me.
I wish things wen back to normal,
and be how they used to be.
everynight she goes out,
and leaves me home alone.
shes always too busy with him,
that she doesnt pick up her phone.
its not enough that my dad is gone,
but now I've lost her too.
I feel like my mom is a teenager now,
and theres nothing I can do.
I wish things went back to normal
and she would be the person she was before.
because that was the mom that i knew better,
and the one that I loved more.