Jul 21, 2006 00:17
Holy cow. I just bought my airline ticket back from Georgia on Thursday night. I must be crazy. Why, do you ask? Because...It's definite now. I'm staying until Thursday, August 3. And instead of being super excited...I'm freaking anxious about it. It's a kind of painful nostalgia that I'm experiencing and I suddenly remember why I've put it off so long. Because Georgia is a closed chapter in my life...and a recently closed chapter, really. So it's painful to open up something that is just barely finally able to be closed. Does that make sense? Probably not.
But I do need a vacation. Is it pathetic that I'm worried about how much I'll miss Chris? Or how much he'll miss me? I mean, it's only a week, but even then, that's the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other since the beginning of our relationship. Georgia won't feel the same anymore, because believe it or not (and believe me, I hardly believe it), Maryland is my home. My crappy, lonely, sad, familiar home. And though there is little comfort here when it comes to certain things, I have no doubt that there will be little comfort in GA. But on the other hand, I realized that this may be the last time that I can see the majority of my good friends from GA in one place, at one time. So it's worth it, right? Won't somebody give me some impartial peace of mind?