(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 15:05

There are many people in my life who satisfy certain parts of who I am.  The people I break bread with, watch movies, talk about my day, be silly with, play the adult with, talk sports with, watch ice skating with, watch tennis with, attend Josh Groban concerts with, eat healthy food with, eat dessert with, etc., etc., etc.

But the friend I find most lacking lately is the philosophical one.  The one that will truly discuss religion and religious ideas without offense or being offensive.  A friend that wants to discuss philosophies and ideas without using me as the single-congregation for their one-sided pulpit.

I just got this e-mail from a group I belong to online and I want to TALK about it, but it feels as if there is no one to talk to about it. =(

Wanted: One or more friends who want to discuss ideas without impunity.  Open-mindedness a must.

From: Steve Baxter ***********
Subject: [allspirit] The Spiritual Revolution Has Begun
To: allspirit@yahoogroups.com

The Spiritual Revolution Has Begun


You might already be aware that the world--your world--is in the midst of the most dramatic and lasting change in its history.  The present clash of religious-minded people on a worldwide scale is a symptom of this change.  Unlike past changes, this one is a spiritual change that will re-paint the landscape of human existence.

What is this change, and why is it happening NOW?

Mankind today is the end-result of billions of years of development.  We are the pinnacle of life on planet Earth (as far as we know), in the sense of being aware or understanding the Universe and our place in it.  But we aren't done yet!

This development is progressive: it happens faster as time goes by.  You can see evidence of this fact by looking at history, whether from the perspective of astronomy, geology, biology, or technology.  Change happens over time, and it happens faster as time goes by.

The incoming age, the Spiritual Age, has been in the making for thousands of years.  Early heralds of this new era of consciousness included Lao-Tzu, Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus, Plotinus, Socrates, and the writers of the Upanishads.  All these great teachers (and others since their time) perceived, to some degree or another, some Thing beyond the material world and tried to communicate their understanding of it to others, mostly without success.

This Thing has variously been called "the kingdom of God," "the Tao," "the world of ideas," and "Dharma" (Truth).  It is there, it is perceivable, and it is free for the asking.  As Jesus said, "The kingdom of Heaven is at hand!"

The Thing past spiritual giants spoke of is about to become as mainstream and familiar  to developed humans as electricity.

Now begins the Spiritual Age, when humans awaken on a large scale to the Thing behind many religious writings and spiritual ideas.  At the same time, they will discover their own unique talents and abilities and how to use them for maximum, pure expression and good.

Why is this happening, and how do I know these things?

The current spiritual revolution represents a biological advancement in the human species, and at this moment those with the most potential to participate are the young.  Far from being worthless or unnecessary, however, the earlier ages paved the way and laid the groundwork for the next step that many of us are taking NOW.

Evolutionary change at the current level of humanity is a conscious process.  It is the development of our potential for consciousness.  Intelligence is another word for this evolutionary potential.  Honesty is required to break free from erroneous cultural teachings.  I know these things because I am very intelligent and honest.  I don't know why I was born with great potential and honesty, but here I am!

(Although I'm not a New Age type of person, I fit the description of an Indigo.)


"All things can be broken down or divided into their constituent parts, the smallest and largest of which are the Universe and the Universe, respectively."

--from the new book Revolutionary Spirituality: Awakening to Your True Self by Steven E. Baxter

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