Today was cool

Feb 11, 2005 20:51

Hey guys and girls, today was pretty damn coool. First, it was school, but it as actually prettty fun. In the morning i was wearing a hoodie that was coool and said "kiss me im irish" henry enjoyed that one lol it was fucking freeing ballllls though whatever, 1st period would have usuallly sucked [PE] but today we had a really awesome sub and we played basketball and i totally whooped his ass!! Haha, okay, next 3rd period, always fun. We had to take down like a milion notes though but whatever. he governor was at our schoool today and everytone was making a big deal out of it. Cops everywhere and everyone was all like hysterical. Whatever, the algebra to ruin my day but whatever. I got to work with henry in this shit we did so thatw as cool. okay then after school i hung out with john and hennry, Tony gavin and mario were thee for a but then they left. Around we went to the mall with just henry and my sister. We played DDR and I got a C on mxx unlimited woooooooooo!!! We played alot of new songs and they were awesome!! So just a brief summary, today was cool.
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