I come before you all today to rant on the lack of intelligence displayed by much of the population. If you feel this rant would offend you, please do not read further!
I constantly am amazed at the apparent lack of capacity that some people have in reading comprehension. Meaning, people do not know how to read.
Honestly, is reading really that hard? And no, I don't mean skimming, I mean vocalizing every word to yourself if that is what it's going to take. I've mentioned I work as a lab assistant, and most days I enjoy it. It's fairly quiet; I can help solve people's problems; I enjoy instructing those individuals that actually put forth the effort to learn something!
It is people who ask me for help that to all appearances have not read their book... These people annoy the crap out of me! *growls*...
I try not to be condescending, I really do. I answer the question for these people and clearly point out that what they are being asked to do in their homework would be explained in the chapter associated with their homework. Usually this helps, after pointing out this obvious fact, people start looking through their book for answers.
What infuriates me further is when I look incompetent about the subject matter; I'm only human, I can't be expected to know the answer to every single problem out there. But I am smart enough to know that all the answers I need are in the book. So, when I can't say right off the bat what the answer is, I know how to look for an example. Usually, when I go to the resource --like the index or post-chapter summary --that holds the answer, people are happy enough to take up reading for the answer at that point. THANK GOD!
I rarely ask people for help on homework; and where I fail is not in knowing the answer, it is in procrastinating and lacking the motivation to put forth the work required. *glowers and huffs*...
So, this is my rant of the day: People of the World, Learn to Read And Comprehend
"Pilot to co-pilot ... signing off now"