As In the Heavens 1-6

Jul 31, 2009 14:34

Title: As in the Heavens  1-6
Author: Poetics124
Rating: PG-13
Pairing:  Spock/Uhura, Spock Prime
Summary:  She could not hold him any longer. *The third story in the Primal Universe*
Disclaimer:  Star Trek belongs to Paramount

Chapter 1

She couldn’t hold him any longer. Her efforts to drag him from the darkness, from the black slime that gripped him was near to impossible. He went deeper into it. It surrounded his body.

“Nyota, Nyota help me!”

“Spock!” She pulled harder but found herself gripping nothing.

“Spock! Spock! Come back. Baby, come back!”

It was too late. He was gone into the nothingness. He would never return.


Nyota Uhura awoke with a jolt and she found his naked arms around her. Her breathing hitched and she had to remind her hands that it was okay to let go of the blue cotton sheets she held in her grip. She closed her brown eyes once more and leaned into his chest, feeling the hair of his chest on her cheek.

They were in his quarters. She was in his arms. He was safe and he was with her. But this was not giving her comfort like it should have. The shadows of her dream chased her in her waking hours, reminding her that her peace was but a fleeting moment. That anything could happen that could make her lose him.

“Nyota, you have been dreaming again.”

“Nightmares are more like it, Spock.”

Nyota felt him smooth back her hair from her face and opened her eyes to see his dark obsidian ones meet her. His face was partially shadowed from her but the stars from his cabin window gave the room some light. She reached up and cupped his face.

“These ‘nightmares’ as you call them are happening more frequently. It may be advisable to see the ship counselor or even Dr. McCoy.”

Nyota snorted her reply. Spock was one to talk about getting help for emotional problems.

“I’m fine, Spock. “

“You whispered my name, Nyota.”

“Can we…can we just go back to sleep? I don’t want to talk about this right now and we have a big day tomorrow.”

Spock gazed at her, unsure of what to do. He finally pulled her closer to him and laid his chin on her head. Nyota snuggled against him and appreciated his higher body temperature which warmed her own chilled body. She laid her hand on his side and felt the rhythm of his Vulcan heart.

He was still here and alive. And he was still with her.

New Vulcan

Spock Prime made sure that he was unseen. Walking the side streets and alleyways of the city of N’Lar was something that did not lend itself to privacy so when he felt he was being watched, he made sure to divert down another street or to enter into a drinking cavern to avoid suspicion. This journey was easier this night as many were resting for the incoming supplies that were to be delivered by the Federation as well as their continuing work of making a new world for the survivors of the Vulcan genocide. He was also looking forward to seeing Captain Kirk and his younger self as he had many things to share with them and new developments.

He paused in front of the home he wished to enter and knocked five times in rapid succession. He heard a small rustling inside and then the door slid open. He walked into this simple home and greeted the woman he found there with a hug.

“It is good to see you, T’Shal.”

T’Shal pulled back and gave him an impassive look. Spock was struck by how beautiful she was, even if her years reached 120. She still had the radiance of youth about her despite losing all she had in the destruction of Vulcan. Her hair had slight gray in it, but it did not take away from her young appearance nor her energy.

“Where is he?”

“Spock, you know that he rests at this time.”

“The last time I arrived at this hour he was awake.”

“That is because he is still teething. I was finally able to quiet him down.”

“Is he in your room?”

T’Shal’s eyes twinkled. “When isn’t he? He is much like his father in that way.”

Spock Prime’s mouth curled into a small smile as he lifted two fingers to touch her forehead.

“Let me see him.”

T’Shal held his hand and lead him into her bedroom. Spock was taken aback to see it illuminated by the moon from the window, a sight he would have never seen on Vulcan, and he thought on a young lieutenant teasing him as he was on the bridge of the Enterprise.

There is now a moon for Vulcans, Uhura. I wish you were here to see it.

Spock moved closer to the bed and knelt in front of the sleeping child there. The baby slept peacefully, his face betraying no bad dreams or any emotion. His ears were strongly pointed, something that Spock had lacked as a Vulcan. T’Shal knelt beside him and touched the baby’s back.

“He makes many noises in his sleep. But he is quiet tonight.”

“He is part human, T'Shal.”

“Were you as noisy as a child?”

“I will not answer that.”

“Do you hear of this, James? Your father will not answer.”

James did not move and continued his sleep. Spock Prime watched him and was unashamed that his son made unVulcan noises in his sleep.


“What is your name?”

The Vulcan male stayed silent even when the second blow hit him.

“I will not say it again. What is your name?”

The man looked once again up to the Romulan and said nothing. He was hit again.

“Enough G’Ran. We know his identity.”

The Vulcan looked up at the Romulan who had just entered the room.

“You are Sybok. You are the brother of the federation hero. A Vulcan named Spock, I believe.”

“Is he a spy?”

“That has not been established yet. But if he is, the Federation has made a terrible mistake in trying to undermine the Star Empire.”

“Should we kill him?”

“No. We don’t touch him. Not until we establish to the Federation we have him. After all, Vulcans are very rare to come by.”

Chapter 2

New Vulcan

“Um…Ambassador, where are we going?”

“We are visiting a guest.”

Captain James T. Kirk turned to his first officer and communications officer with a look of confusion. They had only intended to visit Sarek and Ambassador Spock on their trip to the surface of New Vulcan, not take any detours. Especially not this late at night. Commander Spock stayed silent, his hands behind his back, but James could even see in the slight tip of his face that he was just a curious as he was where the elder Spock was headed.

The planet of New Vulcan was not as hot as the original Vulcan, but it definitely had enough sand. Kirk found himself constantly hitting off the dust from the shoulders of his cowl and shaking his hood. The group paused in front of the door and Spock knocked on it five times in a slow manner.

An older woman opened the door with a baby in her arms, light from the room offering them a look at the child. A raven haired baby Vulcan with familiar eyes.

Commander Spock’s head straightened as if hit with a certain enlightenment and removed his hands from his back. Lt. Uhura eyes widened. Jim maintained his confused look.

Spock Prime put his hands behind his back and in his natural calmness spoke.

“Commander, this my wife T’Shal and our son James.”

“Holy shit!” Kirk whispered to himself.

“I concur.” Commander Spock answered.


Spock held the baby slightly away from him, his head tilted to the side as if he were trying to solve a complicated puzzle. Uhura sat beside him, staring at the baby with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. James sat on another chair in stunned disbelief.

“Can I just say for the record that I believe that Ambassador Spock having a kid is a mind fuck of epic proportions?”

“You have, Captain. Several times.”

“Not to say that Mrs. Spock isn’t hot for an older woman but….just wow.”

Spock tilted his head and examined little James again. “It is not unnatural for men of Ambassador Spock’s age to have children or for a woman of T’Shal's. The Vulcan life span is much longer than humans. T’Shal is actually in the prime of her mating cycle.”

“I know but it’s just….wow. And he named him after me!”

“Don’t let it go to your head.” Nyota said as she took the baby from Spock. She held the baby close to her chest and gave it a bright smile. The baby giggled and touched her cheek with his fingers.

“Ha, I finally have proof that Vulcans aren’t born that way Spock.”

“He is part human.”

Nyota looked at her lover once again. “So are you.”

Kirk face became confused again. “So technically, genentically speaking….”

“Yes. This child genetically would be considered my son.”

“Wow.” Kirk paused. “None of the enjoyment and all the responsibility. Sucks. “

All of them paused as Spock Prime and T’Shal entered with water for their guests. T’Shal placed her water on the table and gathered her son in her arms. Uhura felt a slight relief at that as the implications of Spock having a child that genetically was his out in the universe sunk in. She took a hold of her cup of water and took a long drink. It was too complicated to think about now.

“It is time for James to slept. It was an honor to meet you.” T’Shal dipped her head and carried the baby into the back rooms of the home. Spock Prime watched her go.

“Fascinating.” Spock said as he watched her exit as well. He had never imagined himself as a father, he was not sure that he truthfully ever wanted to be one, but because of the destruction of his home world the thoughts of fatherhood entered his mind more and more. And now he found himself in the curious position of being a father but at the same time not. Of seeing an older version of himself have a family. It was unsettling.

“I know that this situation was a surprise to all of you.” Spock Prime confessed as he sat at the table with his younger counterparts. “I would have told you of this if I did not fear for T’Shal’s safety as well as my son’s.”

“I understand.” Spock answered.

“Well, I don’t.” Kirk replied taking a sip of his water. “It would have been nice for Commander Spock to know he had a son even if he technically didn’t have him.”

“There were unforeseen complications in helping to build New Vulcan that I did not take into account when I made the calculation of returning with Sarek. I have kept my family secret due to the nature of my arrival here and the information that I possess. No one knows that I am from an alternate time line for the exception of our father and T’Pau. If the time ever comes when my true nature is revealed I do not want my wife and son in the crossfire.”

“So she is seen as unattached?” Spock spoke up.

“It is assumed that James was made from her former husband who perished on Vulcan.”

“This is too weird for me.” James took another sip of his water. “I might need something stronger than this.”



“That was…interesting.”

Spock remained silent as he placed his night shirt over his head. He had not talked very much since coming back to the Enterprise, his mind thinking over what Spock Prime had done and what could have been if he had gone to help rebuild his home world. Would he have been a father now? Would he have been married to a Vulcan woman? He did not know how he felt about it but he was unsettled with the feeling of disgust at the thought of not having children with Nyota. Was this how his father felt when he was with his mother? Was Sarek as attached to the thought of having children with his mother that he was unable to leave her on Earth?

It was not logical but it felt right. He began to push the thoughts aside for another moment. It was irrelevant to dwell as he was not yet a father. He may never be a father. And that was that.

“Did you have a chance to talk to Dr. McCoy about your dreams?”

Nyota gave him a small shrug. “It’s not that big of a deal, Spock.”

“You have been having these dreams with a frequency of twice a night. It is highly unusual.”

“It’s nothing.”

“You have been having these dreams since we returned from Delta 257.”

Nyota closed her eyes. She didn’t like to talk about what she saw on Delta 257. If it were in her power she would take the red matter and obliterate the planet. Even thought Spock tried to hide his concern for her and her ordeal, he didn’t force her to talk about it. She was grateful for that.

“I’ve already been cleared for duty, Spock. Lt. Commander Dulskin has already said that I am mentally fine.”

Spock nodded his head in agreement. “I cannot disagree with her assessment of your mental health. Your have performed admirably and with very little struggle. But these nightmares will not help your performance in the long run. “

She knew he would not make it an order that she go see Bones but that was as close to an order as he would get while in her personal quarters.

“Kirk to Spock.”

Spock picked up his communicator on the table. “I am here, Captain.”

“I need you on the bridge. We have a communication coming in from Starfleet Command.”

Spock looked at Nyota and then headed for his uniform.

“On my way, captain.”


“It’s good to see you again, Admiral Pike.”

“You as well, Jim. I wish this communication was under better circumstances.”

Spock stood still behind Jim, looking at the comm. They were alone in his office and Spock had an unsettling feeling that whatever message Admiral Pike had to give had to do with him.

“The Romulan Star Empire claims that we have sent Vulcan spies to undermined their empire and that they will execute those prisoners if we do not return any information that those spies have sent out to us.”

“Vulcans. Why would they think we sent in Vulcan spies? Who is to say this isn’t a trick?”

“They have sent us images of those they have captured. Is Commander Spock with you?”

“I am here, Admiral.”

“Good because this part concerns you. Do you recognize this man?”

An image showed up on the screen and Spock was taken aback for a moment. He then regained some of his calm.

“I know of him. His name is Sybok. He is a V’tosh ka’tur. A Vulcan without logic.”

“Yes.” Admiral Pike admitted. “The Romulans are also saying that he is your brother.”

Chapter 3

New Vulcan

Spock Prime held his wife as they watched their son sleeping. He regretted that he would have to leave them before the sun made its presence known.   It was their usual routine but it was becoming tiring retreating back to his father’s home every night. It reminded him of Jim’s tales of sneaking out of women’s homes before her parents discovered him and he wondered how his friend handled it.

“You are thinking, husband.”

“Only of friends past, wife.”

She leaned her head back and Spock held her tighter. There first joining together was completely accidental. In the aftermath of the destruction of Vulcan, working on finding a new planet for the refugees of Vulcan had been his main concern and then after that actually rebuilding a new society. Becoming her mate had not been in his plans but her pain called out to him like no other thing ever had before.

She had lost everything as many of the refugees had.   A husband, three other children, and a grandchild had perished in an instant. She had nothing.

When Spock Prime had met her, her emotional controls were at their breaking point.   He had been sent to her along with Sarek and T’Pau to help resurrect her mental controls so that her emotions would not overwhelm her logic. Spock Prime had volunteered to meld with her, his experience unmatched except for only T’Pau.

He had expected many things from his meld as he had melded with many beings in his life. But what he had not expected was his own grief to mingle with hers. He could relate to her losing everything. He could relate to such intense feelings that were hard to control. He could see her secret longings and wishes and how well they matched his own. But most of all he could relate to grieving for a past that was never to return to her. And of the secret miscarriage off world after the destruction of Vulcan and her shame of losing that baby in the face of her planet’s annihilation.   A human doctor had seen her through it and she never shared with anyone that she had lost her child. They assumed she still carried the child of her husband in her belly and was still in the very early stages of her pregnancy.

They were inseparable from that moment on and became bond mates shortly after.    They had conceived James together and both agreed that their relationship would remain secret because of the nature of his past.   She claimed that the child was her dead husband’s  and he remained distant during the day, but with her in the night. It was an agreement that fit both of them and honored her past family while at the same time honoring his lost friend.

But he was being to tire of this agreement and tired of pretending that his son was not his son and his wife was not his wife. He now knew the dangers of what was contained in his mind as he had observed several members of Starfleet coming to him for information.   Information he would not reveal. How soon would it be before someone decided to take the information from him? How long would it take for someone to figure he was not who he said he was on New Vulcan but a man from the future?

He could not endanger T’Shal in such a way. He could not endanger James, a son he had grown to love as much as his own soul.

“It is time.”

T’Shal turned her body towards him. “Tomorrow night, husband.”

“Tomorrow night, my wife.”

He put his two fingers up and she traced hers around them. He then left her embrace and walked out of the room, ready to face another Vulcan day without his family.



“Spock, I think I might need a hypospray to clear up my headache because of how complicated your race is today.”

Spock flexed his hands loosely to his sides and did not answer Kirk, thinking on his brother and what he would tell his father.

“Let me see if I have this correct. You have a brother named, Sybok.”

“Correct, Captain.”

“But he’s not really considered Vulcan and was banished from your planet when you were fourteen years old.”


“Because he had emotions?”

“Not because he had emotions, Jim.” Spock looked down to the floor. “Because he was unwilling to control those emotions or follow the teaching of Surak. He wished to influence others to become V’tosh ka’tur. This is the reason he was banished.”

“So why is he on Romulus and why do they believe he is a spy?”

“I have no idea, sir. I have not seen my brother since I was a child. He had not had contact with me at all.”

“I can relate to that.” Kirk admitted.   “My brother left me about the same time.”

Spock lifted his eyes to meet Jim’s and found an understanding there that he was not expecting.

“So now, your brother faces execution and Starfleet Command wants us to get him and his group out so there is not an intergalactic incident and the Vulcan High Council is not outraged by some of the few remaining vulcans being murdered by Romulans.”

“Indeed. The Vulcan High Council will consider it a grave insult.”

“So…now all that leaves us with is who is going on this mission with us?”


“So, Spock sent you, huh?”

“How’d you guess?”

Bones ran his tricorder over her and gave her a wry smile. “I have to drag you down here for physicals, I doubt that you volunteered to come down her to see my pretty face.”

“Yeah, he sent me. He’s worried about the dreams I’ve been having lately and my trouble sleeping.”

“Sleeping problems? Your readout seems fine. You sure you don’t need to see a counselor?”

“It’s….I’ve been having dreams about that planet and….”

“I see.   I thought you were handing that really well, kid.”

“I did too.”

If being drugged and molested on a planet could ever be totally okay, then she was okay as she thought she could be under the circumstance.

“Here,” Dr. McCoy said and he gave her a shot, “This should help you sleep a little easier. It’s a herbal remedy that works pretty well for that type of stuff.”

“Thank you, Len.”

“No, problem darling. And tell that Vulcan of yours he’s due in here in the next couple of days and he better not forget.”


“I did not mean to betray you, Sybok.   The pain was unbearable.”

Sybok stared down at his friend who laid bleeding and in pain on the floor.    He smooth his hair back and kissed his forehead. “It is fine, Silmar.   There is nothing to forgive.”

Silmar shuddered in pain and Sybok cursed his judgment in returning to Romulus knowing of the renewed tension between the empire and Vulcan. What he did not suspect was that he would be accused of spying.

They had still not brought back Harmar and he feared for his safety and well being. The six men had all been captured together and now he was uncertain if they would make it out of this alive.

“They….they asked about your brother. They asked about Spock.”

“Do not talk anymore. You need your rest.”

“I am sorry, Sybok.” Silmar shook more and then stilled, life fading from him. Sybok sighed and held down the anger he felt at the Romulans.

He would find a way out of here and he would have his vengeance against those who had done this to he and his friends.

Chapter 4

Sarek was not an impossible man to understand. Though Spock Prime had spent nearly a lifetime debating, arguing, and even ignoring his father’s existence, he had never fought to understand his actions towards him. Sarek was the consummate Vulcan, a man of logic and of duty to his people and culture. So when he had brought the news to his father that Sybok was a prisoner of the Romulans he was not surprised Sarek had no noticeable reaction.

But knowing from a long ago mind meld with Captain Jean Luc Picard into his father’s thoughts and feelings he knew that this universe’s version of his father grieved as much over Sybok as his own did. That he missed his older son terribly underneath his reserve. Though Sybok had been banished, existence purged from Vulcan society, his presence still laid dormant in Sarek’s heart.

“Have the Romulans given their terms for his release?” Sarek said unmoving from his dining table.

“They wish for us to reveal any information that Sybok may have obtained on Romulus.”

“Sybok was banished. He is not a part of the Federation nor would he spy for it.”

“This is known, father. He and those who were captured with him face execution.”

Sarek’s head went up with the word execution.

“It would be illogical to let Sybok and his followers perish. We Vulcans are so very few. I will lead the negotiations for his release.”

Sarek returned to his writing and Spock nodded. Sarek was not an impossible man to understand.


“Well I’ll be damned. You look pretty good for a Romulan, Jim.”

“Ha ha, Bones.” Kirk looked at his image in the mirror and stood up straighter. Pointy ears. Tattooed face in the fashion of lower class Romulans. Slightly protruding brow.   Bald.   Kirk shrugged. It wasn’t too bad.

“The true question is whether or not you will be seen as a passable Romulan.” Kirk stared at Spock who was dressed in his normal attire.

“I believe that he will do a better job of it than we could have, commander. “ Spock Prime replied.   Jim was becoming disconcerted at how their stances and facial movements mirrored one another.   “As someone who spent much time on Romulus, I believe that my emotional control was a hindrance and not an asset among the populace.”

“Are we sure that we will be able to target this area without detection?”   Uhura asked as she emerged from her own Romulan makeover.    Kirk broke out into a grin and McCoy held back laughter.   “What’s so funny.”

“You…I…you look cute, lieutenant. “

Instead of the bald head of Kirk she wore her normally long hair under a short a short black wig. She had slight ridges on her forehead to mark her rank as an elite of the Tal Shiar. They had gotten the look just to Spock Prime’s description. Her ears were sharp and pointed a detail that Spock Prime nodded his approval of. The younger Spock’s  face remained impassive, but Uhura noticed that his hands were no longer behind his back but at his sides and tightened into fists.

She raised an eyebrow.  So Spock likes the ears.   I need to remember that.

“If my memory is correct, the building where they keep most political prisoner should not have changed, even in this timeline. “

“So while Commander Spock and Sarek buy us time by negotiating for Sybok and the other prisoners release, we should be able to free them and get back to our shuttle and get the hell off of Romulus.”

“That would be accurate.” Spock Prime answered.

“So we have a plan. We will meet in shuttle twelve in an hour.”


“So you like the ears?”

“Your appearance is appealing.”

He held her softly in his arms, observing a ritual they did before any away mission they had, her head on his chest and his chin resting on her head.

“Maybe I can make a mold. It would be an interesting experiment.”

“If I must make a confession, I like how rounded your ears are as well. They are…very intriguing to me.”

Nyota held back a chuckle. “Interesting.”

“Nyota, I wish for you to have a prosperous mission.”

“The same to you.”

She leaned back and looked into Spock’s eyes and was amazed by the uncertainty she saw in them. She touched his face with her hand.

“I’ll be back. I promise.”

He leaned down and kissed her, his grip on her back becoming more possessive.    She knew he was worried for her. That he had been worried for her since their disastrous mission to Delta 257 and her kidnapping.   That it had been his fault she had been drugged and captured by the native populace. But he still trusted her capabilities to be a good officer and someone who could take care of herself, even if she was struggling with those issues herself. Another man would have given the assignment to someone who was not so close to him, did not spend nights in his bed in order to keep their significant other safe. But Spock was not like other men. He knew she was the one capable of this mission.

She loved him all the more for it even if under that stoic exterior she knew he wished to protect her from all harm.

“I love you, Spock.”

Spock nodded and kissed her lips once more and leaned his forehead against hers.  He let go her, straightening his uniform. They then walked out of her quarters, parting when they made it to the hall.   Nyota headed for the shuttle.   Spock headed for the transporter.

Neither knew the danger that lay ahead of them.


Sybok could sense something was wrong. The air was different. The atmosphere was heavier. It was as if he could hear the whisper of another mind around him. When the Romulans finally removed the blindfold from his eyes, Sybok found his fellow traveler Humar in from of him, tied to the chair.

“We wish for the information you have obtained and given to the Federation, you Vulcan dog!”

“There is none. We came to Romulus as a gesture of common enlightenment between brethren. We do not care for your petty and inconsequential information.”

The Romulan smiled at him. “It was a simple thing, breaking your other friend. He was not like other Vulcans, he was too young to suppress the information we wanted. But with you two, I believe we need…something else.”

The Romulan made his way to the cell door.

“There was once a legend that when our people were still one world of creating an ultimate weapon. Of breeding a Vulcan who could kill with a thought but our ancestors paid for that folly with their own destruction and more wars. It was thought it was impossible to make such a being.”

The Romulan opened the door and a man, a hood covering his eyes, entered. The Romulans smile became bigger.

“We have not engineered such a feat. Not yet. But my friend here….he’s pretty damn close.”

Chapter 5

The drums were loud and echoing through the alien forest. It amplified the touches all over her body. When the beat was soft, the fingers caressed and teased. When the beat was hard and fast those caresses became harsh fingers pinching into her flesh until she felt a scream bubble up inside of her.

Her mind felt the scream, knew it to be there, but it was unable to be removed from her mouth. Her body was slow to respond to her demands. Her eyes refused to open.  Her body was in a complete meltdown and was not responding.   She wanted to escape.

“Maybe (maybe) I’m(I’m) drugged (drugged)” was the thought that echoed through her head.

Where was Spock? Kirk? McCoy? They had all been with her around the village fire taking in the Ta’Kans native drinks and watching their native dances. The ladies with the colorful dresses and the men in ceremonial garb. Theirs was a primitive culture and the crew had pretended that they were villagers from another land come to pay them respects. But now the rest of her crew were gone and she was alone among them, unable to see. But she could hear everything. Feel everything.

“Kani Zi cutan” , they kept repeating around her and the digging into her skin became more pronounced and painful. She fought to translate their words, their reasoning, but her mind was starting to fail her as well.

Suddenly a primitive scream broke through their chanting and the forest. It was a couple of minutes before Nyota noticed it was hers.


Uhura snapped out of her own thoughts and gazed at Captain Kirk who had returned to the back of the shuttle from talking to Spock Prime.   A small smile came to her face at his appearance.

“You make a good Romulan, sir. You almost scared me.”

He gave her a slight smile but then a look of concern passed his face. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Jim. I’m just making sure I’m ready.”

Jim Kirk nodded his head and crouched in front of her seat with a PADD.

“Ambassador Spock will land the shuttle about 10 kilometers away from the Romulan base where we believe Sybok and the rest of the Vulcan prisoners are.   We should remain undetected, even on the surface, thank to the modifications that Ambassador Spock made to the shuttle. “

Kirk clicked the padd again. “From some sources on the inside of Romulus, there is a side duct that leads into the facility. There are some minor security measures but I believe we can get past them undetected.    Once inside, you are my Tal Shair guard and will escort me to the electronic brigs on the fifth floor of the complex.   After we locate Sybok and the rest of the prisoners we will escape from a side entrance and haul ass to a new location where Ambassador Spock will be waiting for us.”

Uhura nodded her head and took in the map before her. This would be a difficult mission, but she could do it.   She had no other choice if she wanted to look herself in the mirror with pride again.


“Our terms of agreement are non-negotiatable Ambassador Sarek.” Commander Tulvan shifted in his seat. “Your son and his followers were found in our cities and speaking with our people.   Are we to believe they did not extract any information about the Star Empire while they were there?”

“My son has not been on Vulcan for over fifteen years.   He was banished by our laws.”

“Yes, because of your fetish with Surak. We know of your ways.”

“Then you should know, “ Spock spoke up, “that it is unlikely that we would send him or anyone of his party to be spies of the Federation.”

“I don’t have to know anything. What I do know is that they have information about our Empire that we wish to know.”

“The Federation disavows any involvement with these prisoners. They were not sent to spy.” Ambassador Jeremiah Miles replied.

“Then they will be executed in two weeks.”


Nyota braced herself and hoped that her Romulan sounded natural to the guards ears.

The Romulan guard looked Kirk up and down and Uhura silently prayed he brought it. The Romulan guard gave a nod of his head and Uhura kept in her sigh of relief.   She walked Kirk silently, his hands chained behind his back and both entered the lift beyond the guard. If she could have described this place her closest answer would be that she could now imagine what hell looked like. The corridors smelled of burnt flesh and the dark walls gave it a sinister edge.   There was also an unnatural silence in the air as if even noise was afraid of taking up residence here.    She wanted to get Sybok and the other prisoners out as soon as possible so she could get out of this place.

The lift stopped and Kirk whispered, his mouth barely moving. “Check the cells. They have to be somewhere.”

Nyota began to check the doors, typing in the codes she had received from Kirk earlier.    It took her until she got to the sixth door that she observed the name Sybok.

“This is it.”

Nyota rushed back to Kirk to unlock his chains and then both ran to the sixth door.

“We have five minutes until the guards come check us out.” Kirk said as he tried out his input code. Nyota watched, her phaser ready.

“Got it!” Kirk whispered. The door opened and they rushed into the room. The paused at what they saw.

A man with flowing long black hair looked up at them, cradling a man in his arms. He was growing a beard and the only thing that identified him as a Vulcan were his ears.   He was extremely handsome and Nyota could see the resemblance between him and his brother and father. They all had extremely expressive eyes, for such a people who were supposed to suppress feeling.

“Stay away, you Romulan dogs!” He yelled.

“Whoa! Easy. We’re…”

The Vulcan named Sybok dropped his companion and rushed Kirk, lifting him by his throat.

“You did this to him.    I cannot reach his mind! It is as if he has no katra!“

“Sybok! We’re from the Starfleet! We have to go or we won’t get out of here!”

“Lies! You wish to trick me!”

“You’re brother is here. We are from the U.S.S. Enterprise. We have to go!”

Sybok turned his head and looked at Nyota, his eyes full of fury. Nyota looked back with compassion. Sybok looked at Jim and then back at Nyota.   He then dropped Kirk.

“I…don’t…know what it…is…about me and….Vulcans.” Kirk gasped.   Nyota helped him up. Sybok carried his friend over his shoulder.

“Sybok, are there others?” Nyota asked as they headed for the door.

“No…they have all perished here.”


“Sir, there has been a breach in our security.”

Commander Tulvan stood while Commander Spock and Ambassador Sarek glanced at each other.   Something must have went wrong as Kirk and Uhura should have been gone by now and left undetected.

“No doubt caused by the Federation.”

Spock glanced at the five men with phasers who now surrounded them and thought quickly. He put his hands into fists and swung with all his might, hitting the one Romulan in the stomach. Sarek and Captain Miles did the same.   Spock rose from his chair and tackled the Romulan in front of him, phaser fire missing him.    Once on top of the guard he hit him squarely in the chest with a flat palm. Ambassador Miles now had a phaser.

“You will not escape.” Commander Tulvan , said with his hands up. “It is impossible to leave.”

“Just watch us.” Ambassador Miles said as he, Sarek, and Spock backed out of the room and into the corridor.


“Ambassador! Let’s go!” Kirk yelled as he ran towards the shuttle.   Nyota was returning fire to the guards chasing her and Sybok was right behind Kirk.   Spock Prime met them at the shuttle enterence firing his own shots as Uhura, Kirk and Sybok with his injured friend made their way aboard.

“You are late.   I do not know if we will make it off of Romulus. “

“You know I don’t believe in no win scenarios.”



“Shit!” Ambassador Miles said as he looked at the transport room.   Spock continued firing at the coming Romulans as he and Sarek observe their circumstances.

There were only two transports on this particular deck. And someone had to beam them up to the Enterprise as all of their communication equipment had been taken as a condition of the talks.

“I will beam you and Spock aboard.” Sarek volunteered as he went to the transport panel. Spock went inside of the room completely and let the door swish shut, putting in commands to lock the door.

“That’s suicidal, Ambassador. There won’t be enough time to beam you out by the time the Romulans block all transport.”

“It is more logical that I beam you aboard the Enterprise, father.”

“Just saying that does not make it so, Spock.”

“You both are Federation ambassadors and you, father, are helping to rebuild New Vulcan.   It is illogical to let you stay.   The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.”

Sarek stared at his son in silence. They could hear the coming boots of the Romulans.

“We have to move and we have to move now!” Miles reminded them.

Sarek parted his fingers for Spock. “Live long and prosper, my son.”

Spock returned the gesture, a well of emotion hitting him. “Live long and prosper, father.”

Sarek turned and ran to the transport pad along with the other Federation Ambassador.   Spock looked at his father from the transport panel and watched as they vanished from his sight.


“Enterprise!   This is Captain Kirk. Standby for my shuttle arrival as we are under heavy Romulan fire. Red Alert, all available officers to battle stations!”

The small shuttle avoided another round of phaser fire and Sybok held his friend once more. Nyota took a good hard look at this friend and noticed his irises were pure white.

“What happened to him?”

The look in Sybok’s eyes would haunt her for the rest of her life. “His katra was stolen. “


Spock landed on the floor with a thud, green blood marring his face. They turned him over so he would no longer be on his belly. He only saw the gray metallic ceiling above him.

An image of Nyota flashed in his mind and he blocked it out. He would get out of here. He would return to her and his father. He had to concentrate. Had to focus. Suddenly there was a mental shift in the room and Spock was aware, in a way that he had never had been, of another consciousness enveloping the energy in the room.

“You are Spock.”

Spock was not prepared for what appeared before him.

The man’s eye color was white. Pure white with a small dot of black in the middle. He was pale, almost translucent and his hair was a bright white. It was cut in the style of the Romulans but he had the face of a young teenaged Vulcan.   The man tipped his head in curiosity.

“You are Starfleet, are you not?”

Spock did not answer.

“There is no need for silence for I know all. Or I will soon know all.”

The man splayed his fingers to Spock’s pressure points.

“My name is Sirinvok.”

Spock mind stalled and before his mind went completely white he recalled the ancient meaning of that name.

One who steals souls.

Chapter 6

It was as if suddenly all of the light in her brain had turned off. That soothing presence of calm and serenity were blocked out from her. That balance that she had, over the almost two years of being connected, begun to rely on being there was suddenly dimmed and she was alone again. The phasers and torpedoes being fired at them were meaningless background noise compared to this lonely silence that suddenly washed the colors of his presence from her mind.

“There something wrong…something wrong with Spock.”

Sybok heard her whisper and narrowed his eyes with curiosity. He did not understand this human nor why she was speaking his brother’s name with such….longing. Her breathing had become harsher, escaping her in tight gasps, her safety harness jutting with every breath. Her eyes looked terrified and gripped the clothing on her knees in a fierce grip.

He had seen this many times as a young man with those who had lost bondmates, but he had never seen it in a human before today.   He held back his own emotions for what this meant for his brother and escaped his own safety harness, first making sure that the injured Humar was still secure in his seat.

He tried not to lose his balance and didn’t focus on the older Vulcan they called Ambassador or the younger Captain that called himself Kirk fighting for the shuttle’s survival. Even if they did not make it, it was better than being captured by the Romulans again, or seeing that thing again.

“Your name is?” He whispered. Uhura seemed to be beyond this moment, reaching out for something she could not grasp or bring back. “Your name, officer of Starfleet?”

“Lt. Uhura.”

“You are Spock’s wife?”

Uhura broke from her daze to shake her head no and Sybok tilted his head to the side.

“But you are bondmates?”

Uhura flashed to pale fingers touching her own with tenderness and could not deny it.


“I see.” Sybok crouched in front of her so he could be eye level with the younger woman.   It surprised him that his brother would take a human mate.  Spock had been so bonded to the mistaken identity that his father had crafted for him since birth that Sybok was surprised he had it in him to take a human as his partner.   But maybe his brother had changed. After all, from what he had learned from Romulus, Spock was now a Starfleet officer.

“It feels as if all the colors in my mind have been….muted.”

“It is the effect of….” Sybok stopped himself as the shuttle shook again.   He could not tell her the truth. Not yet.


They had made it safely back to the Enterprise and Nyota Uhura was numb.   They were far from Romulus. Far from him.

It had not taken long for Dr. McCoy to remove her Romulan appearance. His eyes sad and in sympathy for her. She had not wanted to stay around anyone.   She had reported directly to her own quarters and now the quietness of both her mind and her room was overwhelming her.


“I don’t blame you, Spock.”

He held her quietly in her bed, his fingers lying still on her hips, her head on his chest.

“It was my error that caused you pain. If I had….”

“It is not logical to regret the past, Spock. How many times have you told me that?”

Spock looked in her eyes. “You are correct.”

She nuzzled her nose on the side of his neck. “I don’t want to think about that right now.   I just….I just need you.”

“You shall always have me, my Nyota.”

Nyota made her way to her bed and squeezed her pillow, tears flowing down her cheeks.

I’m going to make sure you keep your promise, Spock. She thought. We’re going to get you back.


“I’ll be damned if I know what’s wrong with him.”

Spock Prime looked down at the young Vulcan on the medical table.   He also, had never seen anything like this.   Hamar pupils were still an inky white and his brain showed no form of functioning, but Dr. McCoy could not say he was brain dead.

“If I may, Dr?”

Bones gave him a look that almost sent a sense of amusement and chills up his body.   It was almost if McCoy was near to an insult but was silenced by some reverence for The Ambassador’s position.

“Well, if I don’t know what the hell is with this kid, maybe some of that Vulcan mojo will do it.”

“It is not mojo, dear Dr.” Spock Prime said as he entered the mind of Hamar.   “It is a technical telepathy worthy of even your cynical mind.”

Spock Prime made as shallow meld and only found white noise.    He dug deeper and could then sense the presence of another, but it was not Humar.

He suddenly saw an image of Humar in confusion and went toward it only to be suddenly shaken to his core.

Spock Prime broke the meld as pain hit his head.

“What happened?”

“I was removed from Hamar’s mind. “ Spock Prime held back a shudder. “Someone else is in there.”



Spock tried to grip the tendrils of her touch to keep her with him but her picture kept escaping his grasp. She was a whisper he could not capture. A longing he could not get rid of. He knew that he had to keep her in his thoughts, but did not know why. Did not know how.

You are fascinating.

He heard the voice of the Sirinvok in the blind whiteness of his mind. He searched for the being but could not find him.

Do not be afraid.   You are not like the others.

Who are you?

I am Sirinvok.   I am the perfect weapon.

You are Vulcan.

I am not. I am beyond your descriptions of me.

Did the Romulans create you?

How can I be created?   That which cannot be destroyed can never be created.

Illogical.   You are a weapon of the Romulan Star Empire.   You can be destroyed.

That is what they think. I humor them.   They are amusing. They let me have the minds I crave. They believe because they made me in a lab that they can control me. But not for long.

Spock felt his mind weakening.

What are you doing to me?

You are like me, Spock.   You are different from the others. You are much stronger.   I….like that. It is pleasurable.

I wish to have my own mind.

This is too bad, my Spock.   You belong to me now.

fan: fan fiction

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