love and quizzes..

Jan 19, 2005 20:02

how long can you play with fire before you burn yourself? I asked this to myself all day today, got home played with my lighter and never burned my skin, ah but what if i slipped. hmm i dunno. Be careful on what kind of fire you play with, because sometimes it will bite back, hard.

today was very odd, i was at a loss of words most of the time, not a very good way for lissa to be. it doesn't fit me. I will give today a few weird day medal. The problem of course is, why? i'm not sure, i was very out of psync today and sorta depressed crossed with lonely. mike dumped me for his leather jacked, T_T tearness. haha funny times.

had fun with quizzes enjoy, they brightened up my sad day.

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