This Donna Noble, the Doctor had decided, was a harpy; vile-tempered, hot-headed, and decidedly intemperate. Not to mention the sheer cheek of the girl! The gall not only to criticise his sartorial sense but to mock his indisputably elegant way with words, and completely discount the wisdom he had to share about the universe.
... He could see why
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"It's smaller," she remarks, finally, ignoring the Doctor quite completely.
The smug hand on the console turns into something more comforting. Ignore her, old girl, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
"He'd been teaching me how to fly her, you know. Under a ridiculous amount of supervision, but still."
She reaches down to pat the console, a fond gesture honed on a ship that doesn't exist. Not yet.
"This is all different, though."
... As Donna seems to know, as she's learning to fly the TARDIS?
Companions of his have learned some of the basics of piloting the ship in the past- Nyssa and Adric both had a fair grasp on it, but neither of them were human, and both had a far better grasp of high mathematics than someone from the 21st Century would have. He eyes her in much the same way he might a particularly intriguing equation or experiment.
'Is he indeed? And what has he- have I taught you?'
"Mainly how not to crash, I expect."
Her expression brightens as she glances up at him, deftly turning the subject back on him.
"But the real question is whether or not you can fly this thing. The Doctor I know can't seem to land where he means to even half the time."
When Donna directs the subject back to him, he switches neatly to harrumphing indignance, as if on cue. Looks like the girl knows him already. 'Clearly,' he intones severely, eyebrows making a valiant effort to meet in the middle, 'my time and experience-honed skills must dull as I get older. Because I- and I mean I I- can pilot my TARDIS with pinpoint precision. You need but tell me where it is we're meant to be going, and I shall get us there precisely where and when I mean to.'
His track record isn't exactly perfect, of course, but there are extenuating circumstances to take into consideration. Outside interference, the TARDIS not liking the idea of landing in a particular place, circuits occasionally on the fritz... but none of those have anything to do with his piloting skills, which happen to be prodigious, thank you very much.
The tiny smile she levels at him suggests she has her doubts.
"That's London, England, Earth, mind you."
That done, the eyebrow goes up again. 'Any chance you could be a trifle more specific? London covers quite a few miles, as I'm sure you know, and the 21st century any number of years, though judging by your clothes and vernacular, I'd say you're early days yet. Telling me to land in London in the 21st century is like asking someone to land, oh, on Mars, somewhere. The TARDIS is liable to end up anywhere without specific direction.'
"Surely even you could find Harrods without too much direction."
She pauses for a moment to think.
"Will 'sometime in 2008 do,' or do I need to give you a precise date? Not Christmas."
"When is still yet to be determined."
She heads towards the doors, flipping the switch to open them and then peering out, cautiously. A storage room, yes, piled with neatly arranged boxes and unused mannequins.
"It better not be Christmas, spaceman."
And she strolls out, not stopping to see if he's following.
She arches an eyebrow at the Doctor as he takes her arm, but... well... trusts him, she supposes, even if it's not the him she knows... enough not to do anything more. And then there they are, the Doctor leading them neatly through the crowds -- who, somehow, hardly seem to pay them any mind. Huh.
She glances about, catching her bearings and making an effort to gauge when, exactly, they are. Not Christmas, at least. And if the styles meeting her eyes are any indication, they can't be too far off their intended destination. Not that she needs to say anything about it. It would only go straight to his head, and he already looks entirely too smug.
So she gives his arm a tug. "This way."
'And what, precisely, is this way?'
Dare he even ask? They are here, after all, on he promise of her clothing him in something more suitable, whatever that means.
"You agreed," she repeats, in a slow, patient tone one might use to explain something to a child. "...that you would come shopping and that we would find something--" she gives him a quick sideways glance "--more presentable to dress you in."
And the section of the store they find themselves in now is filled with displays of immaculately tailored suits in all colors and styles -- or at least all colors and styles that could be considered fashionable on Earth at the time, which is perfectly enough to Donna's mind.
"Here we are. Lovely!"
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