Apr 10, 2005 18:02
I've hit the wall again.
Not one made of brick or capable of the kind of concussion that would put me into a deep sleep and medical leave of absence, but the kind that follows after an unbelievable, natural, high.
What can I say about Prom?
...Oh, Excuse my inappropriate language. The Junior-Senior-Semi-Formal Banquet with blahdiblah.
The name was ridiculous, but I had a..very good time.
There's something about knowing everyone at an event like that, having it in a small room with a dancefloor the size of my living room [Maybe...] and a chance to dance with people you never expected to.
My thanks to Mr. Telman for a wonderful hoe-down.
I keep saying that, but I had an unexpectedly great dance with the guy.
Everyone looked beautiful, and there is certainly something to be said for a dress you can swish in peoples faces.
Other remarkable events of the Pr-- or after Party:
Keep up the Zoot Suit Riot, Mr. Casanova.
Swing Dancing with Richard
Tango-Walking with Tim
"My Girl."
Tim & Andy and It's Rainin' Men.
...to make your booty go -SMACK-.
"Turn off that Diesel, it Stinks!"
"I've met a lot of Drunk Priests in my life."
----> I should mention we got pulled over pulling out of the Simsbury Inn, because we pulled out sharply in front of a cruiser, and Emily decided it would be GENIUS to take pictures all the while. Our driver wasn't able to legally drive us, either.
...Knowing the pigs, they'd gnaw on their own.
You know what's a cool word?
It's like a sheet wrapped around a pillow...!
....Like a pillow case?
Cobra Pretzel's, Typhoon, Pocketball.
And I got a mother of a splinter.
Ahahah. Garbled memories.
Though, I do have to say, I missed a dance I'm sure I would've valued.
On the other hand, it's already going to be hard enough to go back to the old drill, so I suppose it might've been worse.