Your result for The Fan Fiction Personality Test...
The Mindgamer
Everything is possible, nothing is ever really over.
Fanfiction is a creative outlet for you. You don't intentionally write it, it just happens. You find inspiration in several fandoms, but are not obsessed with only one.
You like to explore "what if" situations. What if this character had never made this very choice? What if this event had taken place sooner, never, elsewhere? What if these people had never met?
You are likely to write Alternative Universes, fan seasons or sequels and just follow your (sometimes pretty strange) plot bunnies.
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It seems to me to be pretty accurate. However, I also scored as 74% "
True Fan". So I guess you could say I specialize in in-character mind exploration. And hey, I do really love alternate universes, but NOT if you mess with the characters!!
Oh, and I just now realized that I was also 71% "
Free Mind" -- meaning barely a fanfiction writer. That's odd, but in a way it's also true. Fanfiction was never something I expected to spend a lot of time doing. And original fiction is still my first love. ;)
By the way, I also scored 41% Slasher and I do NOT know how that happened! *horrified glance at results*