Title: Departure
Rating: PG for sadness
Word Count: 100
Warning: Character Death
Author's Note:
kcscribbler so kindly allowed me to write this drabble based off a beautiful work of hers that I read yesterday,
My Dear Watson. The story was such a heartfelt blend of sadness and hope that it made me cry in real life, and you absolutely must read it -- the reasons for doing so being that a), if you don't, you shall miss out on a fabulous story, and b), you most likely will not fully understand the drabble below.
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Holmes began to play, and immediately Watson sensed a difference in the notes flowing from the violin. This was no popular piece played just to humor him - this was a soul, his soul, poured out in melodies so gentle, so impossibly beautiful, that some part of him found it hard to believe this was Holmes.
But the rest believed completely.
Watson opened his eyes for the last time, tracing Holmes's silhouette as he stood in front of the window, playing. He smiled.
Closing his eyes, he allowed the music to take him by the hand and lead him away.