Sep 03, 2005 11:34
Never have I wanted more for Marty McFly to be more than just a fictional character. I wanna go back to 1985 when I had my own room, my own stereo, friends who thought I was cool cuz I could break dance, I was skinny and didn't care about my hair. Every single person who meant anything to me was still alive. Things like Columbine, The World Trade Center, Rodney King, and Hurrican Katrina couldn't be fathomed in my tiny pre-pubescent mind. My major goals were solving the Rubick's cube and getting a pair of cool gray parachute pants like the 16 year old girl across the street had. That was the year I ran away from home because I loved my brothers and sisters so much that I hated spending that summer without them and thought I could hitch hike my way from Texas to Illinois. I don't want to be an adult any fuckin more. I'll trade in true love, my children, womanhood...all of my life's experiences ....just to be 11 years old again.
So much I could write about...rockstar inxs...the writing...the death of a beautiful poet...the way this hurricane has made me hurt way down in that place that is reserved for first my first broken heart and the death of my parents...but I don't wanna write about anything. I just want to hop in a Delorian, hit 88 mph and let 21.1 jiggawats take me back to a time when I had some innocence left.