Books and Movies I Recommend

Sep 19, 2007 16:42

Movies that I recommend watching:

1) The Number 23
2) Fracture
3) America's Sweethearts
4) V for Vendetta
5) The Mothman Prophecies
6) The Truman Show
7) The Simpsons Movie
8) Best in Show
9) The Da Vinci Code
10) House of Flying Daggers

Check them out! Some are funny, some are suspenseful, and some are just so good that you can't put words to them (V for Vendetta and Fracture are my top two favorites). These two movies are just mind-boggling. I am also obviously a fan of Jim Carrey movies. I believe some people don't give him enough credit for his more serious and dramatic films.  I believe he is a good actor all around, even though he is mostly known for his comedies.


1) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
2) The Client by John Grisham
3) Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
4) Anything by Alice Hoffman
5) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
6) Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
7) The Odyssey by Homer (an epic poem)

I can't think of any more really good ones off the top of my head, but my favorite author to date is Alice Hoffman. She has written Practical Magic, Green Angel, The River King, Aquamarine, etc.  Memoirs of a Geisha was was The Da Vinci Code...they were just so informative and magical in some way.  The Client deals with a legal case and the last two may be older titles but they are still very well written.  An excellent representation of historical times within the past two centuries.  I absolutely LOVE The Odyssey.  It's so awesome! ^_^  I just finished reading The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and that was good too, but not the best book that I have ever read, though it does present some very good and realistic ideas regarding the proper reign of a prince.  We are currently reading The Epic of Gilgamesh, which I get a kick out of because I am a lover of mythology.  I am glad they offered that as a class in high school.

books, good movies

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