"From Nature's Patient Hands" by Elizabeth Barrette

Feb 07, 2011 19:27

The nature poetry in this book is so skillfully and delicately crafted, that it resembles the beauty of Mother Earth Herself. :) To sum up, the detail penned in each poem is so descriptive that it gives the blind man the privilege of knowing the beauty and mysteries of nature (as well as a glimpse at its savage side). After reading each poem, I found myself pausing to reflect on how it had changed my perspective on the way I view nature -- I was able to look at nature through different eyes and I feel that the goal of a good book is to not only broaden your view of the world and provoke thought, but to describe what one cannot see. A brilliant and amazing read! I would warmly recommend this book to anyone. <3

ysabetwordsmith, books, poetry, reviews

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