May 01, 2003 23:47
It occurs to me that I don’t write nearly enough in my live journal. Perhaps I feel that my life is not interesting enough to blast out over the internet, but I am feeling bored, so have at thee.
This last week has been insanely stressful if not exhausting. There are a million and one things due next week, and I am not exaggerating the number there. A MILLION AND ONE! (The one is for added effect.) Including an AP test and 2 portfolios, and that’s just the beginning of the week.
Not to mention all of the drama that has endued since Sabrina decided to turn psychopathic all of a sudden, (and who says seniors aren’t stressed out)? I feel so very apathetic toward her now. What can you do though?
“Don’t kill strippers, because most of them are already dead inside.”
Sorry, randomness. Mayhaps I should be writing in my live journal when it’s not midnight? Ya think? I think it’s time to go numb my mind with television. Mmm television ::drools::