Jul 01, 2006 04:18
(Just so everyone knows, I'm posting this for him so that everyone who cares can see it in its original form before any additional 2 cents are added and publicly displayed by others. Apparently not everyone is a fan of discrepancy. You already know who this is from.
First of all it is my business because Serina is very much one of the only people I care about. Misunderstanding or not I will not stand by and not say anything when someone drives my girl friend of nearly 5 years to the point of crying. Secondly it doesn’t take a "Friendship Therapist" to see what happened. You felt betrayed because the person of whom you had been graciously offering rides to and going out of your way for suddenly didn't want to talk to you over something you viewed as completely insignificant. So you took out this anger by lecturing her about how she is the most ungrateful person you have ever met. I should also point out that a Friendship Therapist would be trying to help two people make up, which my message was not intended to do. It was simply intended to let you know how very unhappy I am with your choice of actions. In addition I don’t usually get involved in Serina’s fights, it was something about the phrase about the pity party and telling her that she was going to drive me away that really made me feel this was MY business. As far as my issues go, I don't let most people in because I don’t consider them to be friends. I certainly don’t deny that. You want to talk shit about what I know about friendship? I was beat up on a regular basis throughout middle school because I was smaller and wouldn’t fight back. I’ve been chased down on bike and been run over, thrown into soda machines; I even had to leave the boy scouts because I was getting my ass kicked there. There is something about being picked up out of your chair by your scalp that really sticks with you. I have the visible scaring to prove it. Now you might be wondering what the hell my history of peer abuse has to do with my knowledge of friends. By my definition I have had very few friends, but my definition is very different from yours due to that history. To me a friend isn’t someone you hang out with, or gives you rides. A friend is not someone you like being around. A friend is defiantly not someone who talks badly about you behind your back. A friend is someone you trust and care for with every fiber of your being. They don’t have to be perfect, my best friend before Serina was a pot head chain smoker who was from a completely different background from me, but I trusted him. I wish he was still alive today and think about him often. So you said “you don't know what the hell you are talking about to begin with, since you don't let people get close to you”. It’s not that I don’t let people get close to me, it’s that I don’t let most people close to me because I don’t consider them friends. I’d say I have a completely different classification of what I consider a friend to be, and considering the way you talk about Serina behind her back, I wouldn’t consider you her friend at all. Finally to address your issues, I was referring to how you treat your “friends”. That issue does have a lot to do with your fight with Serina! I’m very aware you have a lot of issues, you can see them from a mile away. Nor did I ever claim me or Serina were issue free. I made the assumption you would know that I was talking about how you treat people since the whole message I sent you was about that. I guess I over estimated your intelligence or underestimated the vast number of issues you have. It’s not like I talked about any other issues. Not to mention the anonymous post was intended to be just for you, it was an easy way to send the message and I knew it was going to be screened so that it wasn’t going to be publicly displayed. It was really big of you to make the response public and to post commentary on my and Serina’s issues involving our personal lives on a public medium. I want you to know I could have gone into great detail about your personal life but chose not to. I think going into someone else’s personal problems on a public medium is pretty low, my post was screened, YOU chose to display it. I had no choice in what you went into. You may be “big and mature”, but I think this shows that I’m more so.