(no subject)

Sep 14, 2003 23:25


music:: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl

You will be reincarnated as a Bird: Full of life,
loving the light and the day. You are peaceful
and mellow, but maybe a little ditzy? Flying at
day and sleeping at night, that is your life.
So simple.

What will you be reincarnated as?
brought to you by Quizilla

I star work training tomorrow.. so I won't be on until night from now on.. =)
so.. early nights and early mornings once again.. woohoo.. I'm hoping my foot doesn't play up tomorrow.. I'm gonna book an appointment with the doctors tomorrow after work so.. hmm..

and for Australian Idol.. hmm.. it's a toughy between Bek, Cossima and Levi.. I do love Courtney (for those not Australian readers.. Courtney is actually a drag queen.. and BRILLIANT if I must say).. but I think no matter what she will be a star..
And along that line I can't wait for Queer Eye to start.. thankfully it's on CH10 so I'll be able to see it... since I can't QAF, because it's on SBS and I can't get that channel here =\ .. meh.


ps.. I just wanna say that I LOVE 'The Golden Path' by The Chemical Brothers.. I think it's one of their best songs..
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