Boredom Stricken

Apr 13, 2005 11:54

it sucks i got about 4 weeks left of classes and stuff and i dont think i can stand the 4 weeks. OMG i'm bored of the same stuff. its like omg be over already. i think thats why i do bad, i get bored in the class and then dont want to do the work for the class, which is bad. I gotta stop and actually finish out the year on a good note before i get kicked outta school for a lack of trying. and then i will be a loser working at mcdonald's flippin burgers for the rest of my boring life. This is bullshit. i no longer no what im goin to school for, besides the fact that i dont wanna flip burgers the rest of my life. i mean like people are actually in their majors, they have goals that they wanna do this or that. me, i dont know what "this" or "that" is. Communications...i wanna do it but will i end up liking it when i get out there? what if its not how i would want it to be, not that anything is that way, but what if i dont like it? then what was the purpose for college, just to say i got a degree? will a baccaelurate even be sufficient by the time i got outta college in four or five years? i hate thinking, cuz it really just kills whatever ounce of dreams (even if they are out of reach) that i have left in me. why must i think like an adult, why not think like a child. Children think they can do anything and when people say no and second guess them, they go out and do it anyway and prove 'em wrong. But instead i think and its the opposite it gets to me, and makes me second guess myself. Can i really achieve all that i want to achieve. will i like myself when i get there. or if i get there, will i hate myself becuz of manipullation of others to get to a high position.....uuuuuuuggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! im fuckin tired of being grown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! leave me alone and be a kid and be in my perfect world again. Fuck Fuck FUCk FuCk fUck.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lata suckaz
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