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Jan 19, 2005 09:00

2 weeks and 3 days!!! WOOOOT!!

This weekend was uber-ly awesome!!!! Alyssa and me are getting to know each other...so much....she's is super awesome!!! lol....I sound like some kind of 10 year old..lol..

Kat~Ben  Alyssa~Shawn  and me all hung out together this weekend...we all got together on sunday morning..ate breakfast together....then played video games and all that fun stuff.. Then we all went ice skating together...While it was like 10 degreesF outside..then we came back home...hung out some more...when ben and alysssa's mom came home we all went out to Joe Bologna's..but before we went there...we all went to Paisley Peacock and skeshels(sp?) I havent been there in forever...on the way out of the stores...we saw someone hit a car and drive off outside of McDonalds...we chased after the car to get the licence plate #...went and told the people inside the McDonalds ..well...it turned out the guy worked there...(there goes our good deed for the day)Then we all went to baskin Robin's For ice cream(now its colder than earlier this morning)and wer'e getting ice cream...Its been snowing all day and we go ice skating and get ice cream(go figure) Then we went to drop off Kat....and went back to the twin's house..we hung out there. We all talked for a while...then the girls and guys seperated...and me and alyssa talked till 3-4 in the morning...and went to sleep...when we woke up...I heard the guys out there playing videao games again (LOL) we watched invader zim...etc..and then i went home...

It's really cool...Me and Alyssa are getting to know each other more and more...and its REALLY cool!!

My mom is watching my eating again...well here goes hell again...she better not put me in that fucking hospital again....(calm down tara)

2 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS!!!!!!!!

If I make it 4 weeks...i'm gonna like have a party or something...maybe it's over? It could be over...To never cut again in my whole entire life....well I can dream can't i?

I passed out again yesterday..at home when my parents were there..(GOOD JOB TARA!!! )..They thought I was asleep....good thing it happened on the couch...awkward position or not..lol...

Everything is going really good pretty much...I've got everything really good right now....hopefully it stays that way right?!
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