Bored by default.....

Aug 17, 2003 14:58

~*~ A Quiz Type Thing ~*~

1) Ever been so drunk you blacked out? Nope, but I've been drunk enough to do
something completely ignorant
2) Been hurt emotionally: Yes, but who hasn't?
3) Kept a secret from everyone: I'm always keeping some sort of secret
4) Had an imaginary friend: yes, and still find myself talking to 'them'
5) Cried during a Movie: I cry during nearly every movie
6) Had a crush on a teacher: Yuppers!
7) Ever thought an animated character was hot? Oh yeah - Dmitri from Anastasia!!
8) Had a New Kids on the Block tape:Yuppers, among other memorabilia
9) Been on stage: of course, I'm a born actress LOL
10) Cut your hair yourself: Maybe when I was younger - but not that I can

11) soap: Rainforest Fresh soap/body wash
12) Color: blues and greens
13) Day/Night: I am a night owl - daytime sucks
14) Summer/Winter: spring - cause it's the season of love
15) Lace or satin: Satin and Silk
16) Fave cartoon Characters: Stich from Lilo and Stitch
17) Favorite food: Anything chicken - and my moms homemade bread
18) Fave movie: Moulin Rouge & How to Lose a Man In 10 Days
19) Fave Ice Cream: Cappucino Chunky Chocolate
20) Fave School Subject: English/Grammar/Writing
21) Fave 'normal' Drink: Mountain Dew Livewire
22) Fave Person(s) to talk to online: Dun have a favorite cause I like talkin
to all mah friends online
--------------Right Now-----------

23) Wearing: Old Navy t-shirt and shorts
24) Hair is: up in a knot cause it's hot!!
25) I'm feeling:Content and happy - just got off the phone with Levi
26) Eating: thinking about grabbing some Cheerios
27) Drinking: Diet Sierra Mist
28) Thinking about: Levi, of course and mentally making lists of things I own
29) Listening to: the T.V. in the background, though I wanna listen to Legends
of Dragoon
-------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------

31) Cried: Yes
32) Worn a skirt: Eeeew - skirts suck
33) Met someone new: Yup, online - helped a newbie out
34) Done laundry: yeah right
35) Drove a car: I drive a LOT!

--------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

36) Yourself: Most of the time
37) Your friends: Undoubtedly
38) Santa Claus: ho ho ho
39) Tooth Fairy: only the one in that commercial where she falls down the stairs
40) Destiny/Fate: Always
41) Angels: Yes
42) Ghosts: Yes
43) UFO's: Yes - good ice cream sandwich

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE----------------

44) Like anyone?: I'm in love with Levi
45) Who's the loudest: K.Y.
46) Who's the weirdest: um - prolly Levi - but in a good way
47) Who do you go to for advice: Erin, Lisa, Cat, Levi, -sometimes my mom or my
48) Who do you cry to: 'Rin, Li, Cat, and Lev
49) What's the best feeling in the world: Waking up every morning, knowing I'll
be able to make it through another day and be able to spend it with people I
care about
50) Worst feeling: Rejection
51) Who will respond to this e-mail the fastest? Prolly 'Rin
52) Who did you send this to who won't reply? ummm.... dunno
53) Who sent this 2 you? K.Y.
54) Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you? It would
be a first!

Your Name: Audrey Lucille Williams
Your Date of Birth: 03/14/1983
Your Question or Information: What will my future have in store for me?

Perdhro - Unexpected gains, hidden secrets coming to light, discovering that which has been lost, spiritual evolution.Present

Lagaz - Intuition, imagination, success in studies, creativity, vitality and passion (especially for women).Future

Isa - Cessation of energy, freezing an issue where it stands, cooling relationships, separation, division.
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