Feb 17, 2007 20:03
you know i have been lost in my own mind for quite a few days now and i am really missing the real world. i find myself set aside playing over and over how i wish things were as if it were a movie i could rewind again and again in my head. i wish this, if only that... sometimes i feel like breaking down. why can't things just work out the way i want them. i understand patience and i offer that to my life. how long must one pay their dues?
relationship has been on the rocks and i'm not too sure how it is going to turn out. two big character differences and a couple unresolved problems leave that ship on choppy waters. it's a rough ride that i fear is going to have harsh feelings if ended. i am the type of person that confronts problems, deals with them, and takes on the next step in order to achieve the overall goal. she is one that hides problems away. if one arises she acts as though there were nothing wrong. that's highly unfair to both people.
friends? there's no question there. my friends are still there for me and cheering me on to continue down the right path. whenever i feel the pressure is too much i find a hand on my should willing to calm and comfort me and listen... actually listen. i couldn't ask for a better group of friends. though busy lives we lead we always find a way to make time for eachother. that's loyalty and dedication. it's so easy to overlook "getting ahold of someone" when you get in a routine, but when you AND they remember, that says something.
cards games have been going real well. i have been getting impressively well off in magic the gathering game play. yu-gi-oh i have set aside but see a few trips in the next six months that are about to be placed on the calendar. spoils is offering up huge cash prizes. i will be attending a couple "I.Q.'s" in the next couple weeks. those are invitational qualifiers. looking good for The Tandoc.
"romeo and juliet...", i will leave this entry with that...