Jul 13, 2004 18:00
Hey. I guess Ill update now. Sunday-my family came over, it was fun. I hadnt seen them in a real long time. I havent seen my dad since fathers day, still. Thats a whole nother story. So then Alicia came over round 8 and we watched Badder Santa,it was quite funny. Monday-mom stayed home cus we have men at the house installing Central Air, so we got some errands done. And then we met up with Elaine Brandon n Maryanne, n my sister got in a huge fight with me in public, and once again ruined the day. So later that night Jen Erin n Nathan stopped by, we smoked a ciggerete n went for a walk. Today- Michelle came over, we hung out, Nothing big. I have to wakeup every fucking day at 7 o'clock. fucking retarded! But schools fun. my friends are there and class is a joke. My teacher is funny, he sits there and swears his ass off, hes young. I found out so much bad stuff this week. Tims brother Jaimie died, its terrible. He just graduated from highschool, the poor kid, its so sad. And then I find out that my Stepmoms dad [my grandpa] has at most a month to live, he was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months ago. And just the thought of it makes my breathing almost stop. Hes such an amazing man, hes on 60 yrs old, so young, and my sister was just born and she'll never know him. Life is just filled with so much tragedy, and so much sorrow. Why waiste time being miserable and just fall in love. Because someone once told me, "You live each day hoping to not get your heart broken, but thats what life is all about. Take every chance you can to fall in love, and live life without regret" Well,hopefully this year will bring good things. Im piercing my lip or my eyebrow some day soon, n Im piercing Caitlain n Annas noses on thursday, oh so fun.My mom will flip wen she sees my new piercing, heehee funn. Itts raining today, God I love the rain. I want to go out somewhere. Anywhere. So Im gona go find plans. Later.