This video is so cute and funny. Jared Leto is so amazing. I love how he is towards the fans. Ah. The perfect man. I swear, when he speaks another language, whoaaaaaaa. TOO HOT.
I am so excited. John and Brittany both want to move to California too. So when I do finally move out there, I won't be alone! yes. And i'll have two of my best friends. This brings me joy. :]
Who knows when I'll finally be able to do it but I feel big changes coming soon. I'm dropping some of my friends. I'm really starting to dislike a ton of people I thought I would never stop liking. Brandie and Andy are the two main ones. I'm disappointed in others, like Brian and Mike. So if I lose their friendship, I'm not going to be heartbroken.
The only friends worth keeping anymore are Jessica, Justine, John, COurtney, Eric, Ulla and Brittany. I'm probably forgetting someone but right now, those are the people I actually want to continue to be around. The others, well whatev.
I'm so upset with Joe. He sold my dad's sword to fucking Jeremy. Like wtf. I'm so done with people and drugs. I honestly don't think I can be around anyone that makes a drug their life anymore.