If you can figure out my secret code, you must be cool:
So tadoy I wkoe up wtih the doisicen I wetnad to gtoo the brotskooe, taht was at 10 am, its now 2, and I slitl hnevat gnoe, so I wlil aetfr I letsin to smoe Onirpsffg and bhtae in the bsak of Msis Friay's eanretl aarul hgih and Katsyrl's asenemosews as the cseloot shy posren I've eevr kwonn. I <3 my fdneirs to dteah. So now, Onirpsffg oevr, my haed in the seiks, I'll go wednar the penals for a bit tehn vrutnee the lsegnot qseut eevr...dwon the seertt. Peceis all.
Have a good one peoples, Missessesessseesss (dont ask) Fairy, I'll try and talk to you later, if not, I'll give you a ring :D