Feb 27, 2004 15:51
Here is another, wrote it on the bus down to 84th and Huron, actually while waiting and walking to the bus...but yeah! Here it is! o.O
Last night I watched my shadow cry
In the reflection of myself
Back bent, broken backwards
Black tears falling from dim lit shadow kissed face
Now don’t get me wrong
I’ve only been worried about her having some sort of
Heart break emotional evacuation
Dropping deep with herself
Dropping back under vision
Not wanting to resurface
But Damn!
I felt my soul slip from my feet
As I watched with glistening eyes
Like I said, don’t get me wrong
I haven’t been selfish once!
But when is it my turn to throw the dice?
I believe whole heartedly in karmic retribution
And somewhat self prophesized destinies
I mean, I see myself linked to the stars, slightly, and not very significantly
But still I see the ethereal links
And Karma?
It owes me a few lifetimes from back taxes
I haven’t had a turn of good luck since well before I was 13
That was while I was walking down the sidewalk
Hopes crushed
Will broken
Dreams crumbling around me
Than it began to rain
The biggest
The warmest
Elephant raindrops I’ve ever felt
With the pitter patter of little feet it walked towards me
And BITCH SLAPPED me in the face
And told me it would change for the better
I also wouldn’t mind some reassurance from some higher source
Letting me know that this time also will be alright
Letting me know that my future will be a little bright
I know it won’t be God-like shinning with a silver future
But I want to know the touch of a Goddess more than just this once
Is it too much to ask to have the fates intertwine my life line
To at least meet my Queen even if it is for only a small flicker in my hourglass of time?
Or is it that I’m being to self absorbed to not see what’s ahead of me?
Or is it that I should let my destiny flow and not try to gain some control?
Is it that I’m being too self-centered in my ramble like rantings?
Or have I yet again given myself too much credit, and it is I that owe destiny?
Either way, I know not what it is, or what it will be
But it seems it’ll be better this way
I just can’t mix my emotions with my love
Then I’ll get myself wrong.