Jul 21, 2005 00:17
Hank has asked me a few times lately, "why haven't you updated your livejournal?" or some varient of the question. The answer is pretty much I don't know. Distracted I guess.
I've been watching closely what i say, so i don't come off as someone who complains entirely too often.
But fuck that, and fuck you too.
I swear to fuckin chirst if shit doesn't shape up soon, I'm taking off, I'm fuckin leaveing and I'm nto going to talk to any fucker I ever knew.
Modest is sick and he's not getting better; I spent about a grand so far and he still looks and feels like shit.
My fuckin car got broken into but some fuckin poor bastard fucks in York, and the cops didn't do a motherfucking thing.
my friend Hank and I watch a couple of dumb fucks get beaten half to death right across the street from my house for the simple reason that theyt are the white kids on the block. Which let me tell yet, is really awesome for me with my blonde hair and blue eyes.
Lauren and I have spent almost the whole summer sitting in my 400 degree house watching game show netwrok. We talk about doing something better with our time, but the best we can do is fight. And it's not even like we fight often. we haven't had a fight all summer until a couple of names were brought up, since then, we have been at each others throats every other day. on a side note I came to scene kid bastards who better hope to god they don't run in to me.
To top it all off, and I knew this was coming for a while now but I finally realized I have no choice, but the trip I planned to West Virginia is pretty much cancelled now. Modest is too sick to travel, I have noone I can trust that has enough time to really care for him while I'm gone, and I'm completely broke.
and I swear to god I can apply everywhere in York, and it doesn't much matter that I'm a white kid with real working ethics as appose to all the rest of the trash living and breeding in York, I still will never get hired.
Now my head is offically ready to burst.
I wouldn't suggest leaveing a post saying "oh don't worry Jeremy, it could be worse" or "it'll get better". If you say that i swear to chirst I fuckin kill you.