Feb 01, 2004 09:07
Oh yea today is going to suck! Mean people in texas are not going to be happy if thier cable goes out today! We can only hope that most of these people decide to go out to a bar or something to watch it..........
Have you ever just got a reality check and just realized that you have absolutely no clue what you are doing with your life, and all those things you thought you wanted in life suddenly seem so far away! i got one of those last night, i realize that I'm just so lethargic about life right now. I was convinced before that being a lawyer is something that i want to do, and something i'll love for the rest of my life, but anymore im just not sold on that idea anymore. Let's think about how many students grad. from law school each year, each with the dream of being the most successful lawyer. Reality is that not everyone is going to make it in that field, and those that do will fight till thier knuckles are bloody to get there. This would be a ok fight for me, if i was positive it was my destiny. But im not! On another note, everyday life is rather depressing as well, job wise. I've busted my ass for months and months to redeem my stupidity from when i started, and i think i have done so time and time agian. But i just don't feel like it's gotten me anywhere, true i know that some people recognize it, however not the right people and not in the right way.
Things in my life are going to have to change, i need a better paying job, i need to figure out what im destined to do w/my life. I can feel it in me, i just don't know what it is yet.
*I'm copying Becky, but diff. questions!*
1. Do you think im a nice person?
2. What quality about me, do you admire most?
3. If you could give me one valuable piece of advice what would it be?
4. Where do you see me in 20years?
5. What makes me happy?
6. What's one thing about me you would change?
7. What career field do you think i would be best in?