Sep 16, 2004 00:17
i am so tired. i didn't really have a lot to do today but i slept like shit last night and woke up 5 (yes 5) times to go to the bathroom during the night. i think i'm going to sue arizona iced tea for it. anyways, school kind of sucked today. we just went over basic definitions and learned about the rating system and little shit, but spent most of the day introducing ourselves to the rest of the class. allison (our teacher) made us talk about the silliest or most embarassing thing we've ever done and i chose to talk about my dead animal rescue in 8th grade.
to make a long story short in 8th grade we were doing a disection unit in which we worked with frogs, squids, and crawdads. well at the end of doing the frog and squid everyone was just throwing their animals out which i thought was extraordinarily cruel (i HAD to do the disection against my will because i would've failed, back then doing it on a computer wasn't an option) so i had a couple of extra plastic lunch bags left over, washed them out, put the frog and squid in separate bags, layered the hell out of them with other bags and tape, stuffed them in my purse, walked around school with them in there, and buried them when i got home. to this day Freddie (frog) and Toby (squid) are still on the south side of my garage. unfortunately i could not take the crawdad with me because it stunk to high hell no matter what i did. everyone thought it was great.
so we get done with intros and the general sales manager from B96 comes in as a guest lecturer. i never really planned on going into sales, but i figured i'd keep my options open and see what it had to offer so i tried to listen attentively. this guy was such a sleezey corporate monkey that it made me cringe to look at him. if you have ever seen the movie "Greed" with Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen, this man reminded me of Douglas's character. he was so cold and cruel and had nothing on his mind but money. you could tell that he was one of those people that would never travel in anything but a luxury vehicle. this man had nothing in common with any of us aside from the fact that he was human (although i'm convinced that some part of this man, probably his soul, was demonic). the thing that REALLY pissed me off though was that i knew that this man had never NEVER EVER been behind a mic or a switchboard. he was one of those rich preppy assholes that majored in business in college because 1. he thought it would be easy 2. his dad did it and 3. he knew he already had the asshole personality to do it. selling slots, advertising product, and nabbing accounts does not require your clientel to like you. it's all about schmoozing and what you can do for them. production and air-play require respect of co-workers, friendly environments, teamwork, and most importantly fun and getting your listeners to have fun and tune in regularly. yeah i know that business can be fun to some people, but we're talking about what i think right there. honestly donald trump looks like a sweetheart compared to this guy. ugh...if being rich and successful means that i have to turn out like that guy, i'd rather be poor and poked at with a stick by strangers.