Title: Second Choice
enchanted_jaeStyle: Norwegian*
Character(s): Neville
Disclaimer: Property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Prompt No. 118 at
poetic_hp - chosen
Sighting the savior, sagging in death.
Tears and terror cause tremors
Within the wilting ranks of warriors.
Desolate, yet determined friend,
Second choice, accepts the challenge.
Chosen by fate and fatal fortune,
Stepping up to swing the sword.
No time to weep, there's a war to win
*A long, long time ago, in a high school far, far away, I had to write a Norwegian-form poem in English class. I am afraid I cannot remember what my teacher called the form; I just remember that it was meant to have four BEATS per line (not syllables, but BEATS), and that it was supposed to utilize alliteration. As you can see, I'm woefully out of practice, but I wanted to try something different this month.