mother's birthday

Feb 01, 2005 15:35

yippee... dinner at the drunk's house... how obligational..... i don't want to go, i'd rather go do mushrooms with some other people sooner, but no... no.... mother has to have dinner and shit... i'm going to seriously just eat and fucking leave, because i'm not too happy with her right now... fucking making me wait here for cori's bitch ass to get off the fucking bus... which doesn't get here till like 4:10 and at that point i might as well just wait for another day to go out job hunting, because nothing will be open, or i'll look like a fool walking in at 4 and expecting courtesy... waste of time... and we're probably not even going to be eating anything new or good or different.. just another one of rod's home cooked meals, not to say that he's not a good cook, because he really is.. he just makes the same things all the time, and i think i've already sampled all there is to order... i mean offer.. in any case, i'll have to just go and eat..... stupid as it all is.. i was kinda hoping to get out to jimbo's early in case brandon has to work early tomorrow... i should call him... and so i did... and now i'm on the phone with my ignorant crazy grandmother.... patricia... what a bat.... she needs to just give up at life, i tell you ... fuck this shit.. .its like she's eating my ear off via phone...
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