
Jun 26, 2007 10:27

did you know that collective soul sounds like gavin. hmmm and i am bored and listening to a song mwhahahah this is my bordem. and it relates to my dream and i never thought abouti t until i just now heard it again. and i once found myself habing a vision to it and tyrin to type out it and getting the song confused with my vision lol.

There once was on love
thrown into your room
but you never knew

a calendar of days just for you
but you never knew
never knew

and they truth that you hide
will always be
the truth hat you find

so how do you love
how do you love
when your angels cant sing
and your worlds still lakcing of me.

there once where eyes
almost always for you
but you never knew

a portrait opf a flower in full bloom but you never know

and the words that you hear
will always be
what you feel
so how do you love
how do you love

when your angels cant sing
and you worlds still lacking of me

the space where you been living
has been never given
that the face you always show

you scream for words of wisdom
tell me of your condition
i dont know
i dont know

and truth that you find
will always be
the truth that you hide

so how do you love when you angels cant sing
and you worlds still lacking of me

i just find that so very odd at this moment. even though i dont even know what the real gavin sounds like apparently. hmmmm odd. I find this very weird. but then I think my whole life is odd. Seriously i was sent down here without my soul mate. But she is here and I can not be with her because she is training to be a god that really sucks for me i guess. and why i cant i be with the flower? i though I was suppose to be her guard. oh yeah i can really guard her fom here. oh and no magic earth is a training realm. you have to learn to rule yoru own life without using magic. why would you have to learn that, seriously gavin you plan really sucks and you sooooo neeeeeeed to get over it and just let her go home. but oh gavins dead and has been dead for a very long time. indeed he no longer alive and she has tot rain all on her own. yeah sucktastic someone shoot me now
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