Fic: If You Want Me (7/10)

Oct 20, 2013 01:05

Author: Poetgirl925

Title: If You Want Me

Summary: Chloe steps outside her comfort zone while on an internship in Star City, California. Returning to Metropolis, she's determined to focus on her career while attempting to fix the mess her personal life is in. But just when things seem to be getting back to normal, Oliver Queen arrives in Metropolis and complicates everything.

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Chloe / Oliver

Fandom: Smallville

Warnings: Up to season 7, but canon sort of goes out the window with this one. Altered S7-S8

Disclaimer: Don’t own, just playing :)

A/N: This chapter rated NC-17

Chapter 7

Chloe’s heart was pounding as she stood in the shadows of Oliver’s living room waiting for him. After Clark picked her up outside the warehouse, he took her back to their apartment. But she was restless - too restless to sleep.

Oliver Queen was the Green Arrow. He was Star City’s most famous vigilante, fighting crime and risking his life to make the streets a little safer. She still couldn’t believe it, but she knew she was right. The moment she’d turned around and touched him, the moment he’d touched her, she just knew.

Knowing she’d never be able to convince Clark to drop her off in Oliver’s living room and leave, she turned instead to Andrea Rojas, another intern. She also had meta abilities which she’d used to help Chloe and Clark on more than one occasion. It was with Andrea’s help that Chloe had been able to locate that gang in the first place.

And now here she was, waiting. Her palms were sweating. How would he react? She had a feeling he wouldn’t be thrilled that his secret was out.

She tensed when she heard him on the balcony. He stepped through the doors and turned to close them. Then he stilled, and she knew he was aware of her presence.

Chloe moved into the dim moonlight as he turned to face her. “Hi. I think we need to talk.”

Oliver said nothing. After a tense moment, he barked out a laugh and pulled his hood back, removing his dark glasses. “Well, I guess my secret is out. Who else knows?”

“I’m sorry?”

He tossed his glasses on a table and turned back to her. “Come on, Chloe. I know you weren’t working alone at that warehouse. We saw the video footage of you disappearing into thin air - only it wasn’t a disappearing act, was it? You’re working with The Blur.”

“I didn’t say anything about you,” Chloe told him. “I would never do that.”

“Then how the hell did you get up here?” Oliver waved a hand at his elevator. “My security is pretty damn good.”

“And I’m pretty damn good at getting into places where I’m not supposed to be,” she shot back. “But if you really want to know, I did have some help getting past your building security downstairs. The person who helped me had no idea why I wanted in, though and probably assumed it had something to do with a story. Once I got past the guys downstairs, getting up here was easy. So whichever IT grunt at Queen Industries told you that your system wasn’t hackable deserves a spanking.”

Oliver cracked a smile at that. “My IT grunt is actually the head of my IT department. I’m sure he’d be interested in talking to you.” He sighed and stripped his gloves off. “Look, it’s been a rough night. My whole team was looking for you after your little vanishing act, Chloe. You could have warned me you were going to take off.”

“Your team?” When he shot her a look, she raised her hands in apology. “I’m sorry - obviously not my business. It all happened fast, and my… friend doesn’t exactly announce plans before putting them into action.”

“I know your ‘friend’ is a man,” he commented. “I don’t suppose you’d like to tell me about him?”

Chloe raised a brow. “Sure. As soon as you introduce your team.” When he didn’t answer her, she continued, “Yeah that’s what I thought. Can’t you just feel the trust in the room? It gives me the warm fuzzies.”

“I guess I have no choice though, do I?”

“Hey.” She stood up and moved to stand directly in front of him. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body, and it had a magnetizing effect - the same way it had when she first met him. And she’d felt it again in the warehouse. “I swear to you that your secret is safe with me. I will never tell anyone.”

He stared down at her, brown eyes searching her green ones intently. “How did you know?”

She shrugged. “When you touched me, I just knew.” There was more to it than that, but she didn’t know how to put it into words. “You remembered me, didn’t you? That’s why you were so persistent that night. You remembered me from the alley two years ago.”

Oliver raised his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, allowing his fingers to slide through her hair down to her shoulder. Chloe shivered, and she felt her throat go dry. She didn’t know why she couldn’t let go of this attraction. She’d tried - tried not to think about him, tried not to remember that night. And it wasn’t just about sex. She’d genuinely had fun with him. She’d let go and been a little more daring for once. She’d taken a risk, and she’d gotten burned. The problem was that she was still burning.

“I remembered you.”

Then his mouth was on hers, and she moaned. She gripped his arms and kissed him back. She put everything into it - all of her pent-up passion, her frustration, even a little of the anger she felt towards him. She was confused about so many things, but she wasn’t confused about this. She wanted him, and a part of her had known how this night would likely end before she came.

There were no protests when he turned her and lifted her onto his desk. She didn’t care if she was going to regret this tomorrow, or the next day, or even an hour from now. Gone was the sensible Chloe who’d made a decision to leave him sleeping in his bed in Star City, who’d relegated Oliver Queen to a beautiful memory that had no place in her life going forward.

Chloe’s jacket was already off, so she pulled her sweater and tank top up and over her head swiftly. Oliver was working on her jeans, and seconds later they joined her sweater and shoes on the floor beside the desk. That left her in black bikini panties and a black, red and blue striped bra - not exactly a matched set, but Oliver wasn’t complaining as he yanked her forward. One hand slipped between her legs, and she would have fallen backward if his other arm weren’t holding her up.

Two fingers slid inside her as his thumb circled higher, finding the magical spot with unerring accuracy. He was scary good with his hands, which was why she always found herself watching them. Must be all that practice with the bow, she thought, her brain sluggish in the wake of the hormones currently flooding her body. She’d felt a few twinges of discomfort at first, reminders that it had been months since anyone had touched her. They were forgotten now, and she lifted her hips a little in a seeking gesture.

Oliver kissed her again before moving to her neck, biting gently. “You’re close, I can feel it.”

She could feel it too, along with the clasp of her bra giving way. His mouth found her breast, suckling the peak, and that was all it took to send her flying. When she felt him shifting her, she opened her eyes. She was lying fully on the desk now, and she lifted her hips when he tugged at her panties, allowing him to slide them down her legs.

He was still wearing the leather vest and pants, and the almost pained look of desire on his face told her he wasn’t going to stop and undress first. He unfastened the front of his pants swiftly and she wrapped her legs around his hips as he leaned over her. Then he was inside, his first thrust taking him halfway in.

She felt the discomfort again when he entered her. She bit her lip to stifle the sound it elicited, reaching up to grasp his arms. She dug her nails in slightly and pushed up, changing the angle of her hips in a way that allowed him to push more deeply.

Oliver was hesitating now, and she didn’t want that. Chloe pushed against him again. “Please don’t stop.” She reached for the zipper on his vest and pulled it down, running her nails across his chest before heading south.

That was all it took. He pulled back and then thrust hard, hooking her legs over his arms which allowed him to get closer. She pulled him down until his chest rested against hers, the shock of the cool leather against her overheated body sending little frissons of pleasure through her. Oliver braced his arms beside her, careful not to strain the muscles of her legs.

Then he was moving again, thrusting steadily and deeply, and she couldn’t stop the moans and little noises of excitement escaping her lips. Every time she cried out, it seemed to make him move faster. Chloe opened her eyes to see him watching her, and she couldn’t look away. She’d never looked at anyone like this during sex. It was the kind of full, intense eye contact that made her feel naked in more ways than just physical, and it was a little frightening.

He broke first, pausing to push her higher on the desk. He followed, and she welcomed his full weight on her, one of his arms wrapping around her waist to guide her hips against his. She buried her face against the side of his neck as she came, cries and shudders wracking her body for minutes afterward as he kept moving in search of his own release.

Oliver’s body relaxed against hers. Chloe held onto him, not ready to let go and think about what came next. There was so much she needed to say, and she still didn’t know how to say it. But it seemed Oliver was in no mood to talk either. Instead, he pulled away a few minutes later and stripped off the rest of his uniform before lifting her from the desk.

He carried her up the spiral staircase, at the top of which was a large bedroom. He settled her on the bed and lay next to her. There was a skylight above them, and she could see a few scattered stars against the midnight sky. One door leading to the balcony was open. The breeze drifting in should have felt cold, but instead it felt good, probably because Oliver’s large body beside hers was like a furnace.

Chloe couldn’t resist reaching out and tracing the muscles in his arm. Her hand moved to his chest next and then down to the six pack she’d once teased him about. She propped herself on one arm and draped her body across his, running her fingers through his hair and down his neck, exploring gently.

Oliver didn’t try to stop her, and he didn’t break the silence that wrapped them in a bubble with only the moon and stars for company. He was still for a while, letting her touch him in all the ways she’d thought about since they’d last been together. And when he pushed her back against the pillows and slid his body over hers, she welcomed him.


She looked like some kind of angel in the moonlight - all silvery skin and golden hair and eyes brighter than the stars he could see through the skylight. She’d been an angel the first night he met her, too - a warrior angel armed with an attitude and a Taser, and the memory made him smile.

His angel was sleeping now. Only she wasn’t his, and Oliver’s smile faded. He felt claustrophobic all of a sudden, his feelings for the sleeping blonde in his arms threatening to rise up and choke him. How had he let himself get in so deep with a woman who wasn’t free to return his feelings?

Oliver couldn’t really kid himself on the subject anymore. In reality he barely knew her, but this wasn’t just about sex or attraction or a stubborn refusal to allow her to dismiss him from her life. If it were, he’d be done already. He felt something for Chloe, and it mattered. What was going on between them mattered, and it pissed him off every time he thought about her leaving him in Star City.

And she was going to leave again. Pretty soon she’d wake up, get dressed, and go home to Clark. Fucking Clark Kent, the all-around goody two shoes who had something Oliver couldn’t compete with - history, a complete groundwork laid and ready to build on. He’d heard the rumors at the barbecue. Half the staff expected Clark to propose by the time they graduated, and Oliver had no intention of sticking around long enough to see that.

Oliver pulled away from Chloe and quietly grabbed sweatpants and a t-shirt from his dresser. He put them on before walking downstairs. He opened the room behind the clock face and put away his leathers and his equipment. Then he went to his desk and picked up her clothes and shoes, placing them in a pile on the sofa.

He wiped the desk down and straightened everything back up until the only reminders of what had happened there earlier were the sleeping woman in his bed and her clothes piled on the sofa. Then he walked out onto the balcony and sat down, ignoring the cold. He needed to get his thoughts in order and think about how he was going to exorcise Chloe Sullivan once and for all.


The glare of early morning sunlight woke Chloe, and she stretched, wincing at the stiffness of her muscles. She opened her eyes to see she was alone in Oliver’s bed. The apartment was quiet. Had he left?

She spotted her clothes and underwear folded neatly on the chair in the corner. Her jacket and purse were beside them, and her shoes were on the floor next to the chair. The message was clear. Here’s your stuff - don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

Sitting frozen on the bed, she thought about what to do. Should she talk to him and try to explain the whole mess with Clark? Would he even believe her?

Then again, what the hell made her think he even cared about that? It was clear she’d wounded his pride by leaving him to wake up alone in Star City. She guessed he didn’t have much experience with that. But it wasn’t like she’d done it to deliberately hurt him. It had never crossed her mind that she even had that power.

So maybe he was just done. As much as she’d like to be wrong, she didn’t think he was busy making her breakfast downstairs. Either he’d left a note or he was waiting to tell her it was over; she’d prefer the note, but she suspected the latter. He’d gotten the opportunity to end things on his terms, and this was part of his exit strategy. It cheapened what had happened between them, and that made her angry.

She grabbed her clothes and her bag and went to the bathroom, showering quickly without washing her hair. Although she felt like crying, she held the tears at bay. He might want her gone, but she was leaving with her dignity.

By the time Chloe walked downstairs, she felt ready to face Oliver. And he was there, sitting at his bar wearing a suit and reading that morning’s edition of The Daily Planet.

Oliver glanced up at her. “Good morning.”

Good morning? That was all he had to say?

“Clark must be wondering where you are. Your phone has been buzzing since around 2:00 this morning.” His tone had a definite edge to it, though his expression revealed nothing.

Apparently that wasn’t all. “Things with Clark are…”

“Let me guess. Complicated?” Oliver put the paper down and stood up. “Chloe, your relationship with Clark is your business. Frankly, I don’t want to hear the details. If there’s trouble in paradise, you should be talking to him about it. As for what happened last night, it was obviously a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

Chloe could feel the color draining from her cheeks. She’d never had a guy tell her, straight to her face, that being with her was a mistake. It was blunt, and God did it hurt. He looked completely unbothered by it, though. Feeling her hands start to shake, she shoved one in her coat pocket and gripped the strap of her purse with the other. “I should go.”

“Do you need a ride? I have to go into the office for a little while.”

“No.” She didn’t need anything from him, and his coldness was making her stomach roll in a very unpleasant manner. She turned and walked to the elevator. Before she could close the gate and escape the hell her morning had become, Oliver stopped her.

“I know you have some leverage now since you know how I spend my nights,” he said. “I just want to remind you that if you out me, you’re putting the others on my team at risk, and they don’t deserve that.”

“I already told you that I have no intention of telling anyone,” she replied shortly. “You’re just going to have to trust me.”

He shut the gate without another word, and she breathed a sigh of relief as he disappeared from sight. She pulled her phone out and sent a message to Clark, letting him know she was fine and on her way home. She knew he had a class that morning and didn’t want him to be late because he was waiting for her.

But when she arrived at their apartment, Clark was still there. “Chloe…”

“I know, all right? I know I should have called, but things happened and I didn’t and I’m sorry. Can you just spare me the lecture right now?” Chloe could feel her eyes burning, and as much as she didn’t want to cry in front of Clark either, she didn’t think she was going to be able to stop the tears anymore.

Pushing past her best friend, Chloe went to her room and closed the door only to have Clark pounding it down two seconds later. “Go to class, Clark.”

“No. Not until you tell me what happened.”

God, he was stubborn. She pulled the door open, intent on telling him to mind his own business. But the look of concern on his face was the last straw, and she burst into tears. Clark put his arms around her and she hugged him back as she let out everything she’d been feeling since she woke up.

After a few minutes she calmed down, and she let Clark lead her back into the living room. She sat on the sofa, grabbing some tissues to wipe her face and blow her nose as Clark brought her a cup of coffee. “Thanks. I really am sorry I didn’t call.”

“I thought you were just meeting Andrea for coffee.”

Clearly, he no longer believed that story, and Chloe was tired of lying to him. “I lied. I went to see Oliver.”

Clark pulled off his glasses and put them on the table as he sat beside her. “Chloe, what exactly happened between you and Oliver in Star City?”

Chloe looked away from him, feeling her cheeks burn. “I slept with him - that’s what happened.”

Her friend stared at her. “You had a relationship with him in Star City? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because it wasn’t a relationship, Clark. I was out with Lucy, having fun, and then he was there, and the attention was flattering, and I felt something for him, I guess. But I never intended it to be more than a fling, so I didn’t even give him my name. I told him my name was Lois. I went home with him, and I left before he woke up the next morning. The end - until he showed up in Metropolis. You can imagine how surprised he was to meet Lois, and then me, and then you.”

Clark remained silent, obviously thinking back and putting the pieces together. “That explains a lot, actually.”

She swallowed hard, feeling more tears threatening. “I thought I could explain it to him so I went over there last night.”


“The way he sees it, I’m a liar and a cheater. I walked out on him in Star City, and by going over there last night, I gave him the opportunity to return the favor, so… we’re done, I guess.” She stood up, missing the hard expression on Clark’s face. “You’re going to be late for class if you don’t leave now. And since I don’t have class until 1:00, I’m going to take a nap, okay?”

“Okay.” Clark hugged with one arm and put his glasses back on.

After he left, Chloe curled up on her bed and closed her eyes. She felt better now that she’d crossed Clark off the list of people she was lying to. All of the lies, even the ones about her fake relationship with Clark, had been getting to her lately. It was really time for them to deal with that.


Clark watched the numbers light up on the elevator grimly as he made his way up to the executive suites at Queen Industries. He’d wondered if Oliver would even agree to see him, but the guards downstairs gave him a visitor’s badge after clearing him. And now Oliver’s executive assistant was greeting him and ushering him down the quiet hallway.

While he was glad Chloe had finally opened up to him, he knew she hadn’t told him everything. If she’d only gone there to talk to Oliver and he’d just asked her to leave, she wouldn’t have been there all night. Oliver had clearly taken advantage of the situation before whatever else had happened or Chloe wouldn’t have been crying about it. He hadn’t seen her cry like that since her mother died, and thinking about it now made him angry all over again.

Oliver was on the phone when his assistant opened the door to announce Clark. Oliver continued the call with someone named Hal as they discussed plans for a visit. Clark heard Hal make a few crude jokes about picking up women, and his fist clenched around the small box in his pocket. When Oliver hung up, Clark flipped the box open and allowed the little green stone to fall into his palm.

He closed his fist around it, ignoring the wave of nausea as he felt the Kryptonite draining his powers. Neither Chloe nor Jor-El would approve of what he was about to do, but he didn’t care so much about being the good guy at the moment.

Oliver turned as Clark stood. “What can I do for you, Clark?”

Clark swung, landing a solid punch to the other man’s jaw and sending him crashing to the floor. While Oliver struggled to stand, Clark slipped the Kryptonite back into the box in his pocket and closed the lid, breathing deeply as the sweating and sick feeling suddenly passed.

“Fuck.” Oliver held his jaw as he got to his feet. “You know I could have you arrested for assault, right?”

“Still worth it,” Clark retorted. “I came here to tell you that Chloe is the best person I know. She doesn’t deserve to be treated with a total lack of respect.”

“You know what? Maybe I deserved that punch since I slept with your girlfriend, Clark. But what happened between us is as much her fault as it is mine. I didn’t force her to stay last night,” Oliver pointed out angrily. “And I sure as hell didn’t ask her to pay me a midnight visit.”

“No, you just took advantage of her feelings.” Clark felt his hands curling into fists again and took a breath. “If you’re just going to hurt her then stay away from her, Oliver.” He pulled open the door and walked out.

His parents would be livid if Oliver pressed assault charges, and Chloe wouldn’t be happy either. Jor-El would know what he’d done, and he was sure to get an ethics lecture on his next visit to the fortress. He was supposed to be a hero now, someone who followed the straighter and narrower path to justice. But like he’d told Oliver, some things were just worth it.

A/N: Cutting here because it was a better place to stop than in the middle of girls’ night out, which is coming next. I’ll get it up soon, and I’m sorry about the delay with this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! I know it’s a little angsty, but Chloe and Oliver get another big push in the next chapter now that all the lies are starting to surface. I’m behind on replying to reviews, but I’ll catch up by tomorrow I think. I really appreciate all the feedback on the story. Thanks for reading!

smallville, character: chloe sullivan, character: clark kent, chlollie, character: oliver queen, fic: if you want me

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