Fic: If You Want Me (Chlollie)

Aug 11, 2013 02:21

Author: Poetgirl925

Title: If You Want me

Summary: Chloe steps outside her comfort zone while on an internship in Star City, California. Returning to Metropolis, she's determined to focus on her career while attempting to fix the mess her personal life is in. But just when things seem to be getting back to normal, Oliver Queen arrives in Metropolis and complicates everything.

Rating: R

Pairing: Chloe / Oliver

Fandom: Smallville

Warnings: Up to season 7, but canon sort of goes out the window with this one. Altered S7-S8

Disclaimer: Don’t own, just playing :)

Chapter 2

Chloe took a sip of the Flaming Volcano and wrinkled her nose. “Lucy, this is way too strong for me.”

“It’s not that bad,” Lucy argued, taking a longer drink through her straw.

“I’m beginning to think the Lane genes include a reinforced liver and a faulty sense of taste,” she replied, shuddering slightly as she took another sip. “I won’t be able to walk out of here if I drink this.”

“Excuse me, ladies.”

Chloe looked up to see the bartender who had just brought the Flaming Volcano to their table. “Yes?”

“Mr. Queen asked that you join him in the VIP area. He’s hosting a private party.”

Lucy’s head whipped around and Chloe followed her gaze to see Oliver Queen standing near the railing of the VIP section. And he was looking right at their table.

Chloe fought the urge to glance behind her, wondering if she was mistaken about who he was looking at. Puzzled, she asked, “Are you sure he asked for us?”

The bartender nodded. “He also told me to add whatever you’re having to his bill.”

Lucy turned back to her cousin in excitement. “Let’s go.”

“Whoa, Lucy.” Chloe looked back at the handsome billionaire, unquestionably Star City’s most famous resident. “I don’t know…”

“Are you kidding? Chloe, that’s Oliver Queen. Women line up in multiple countries to get in VIP rooms with him. We can’t say no.”

“Lucy, this is my second summer in Star City - I know who Oliver Queen is,” Chloe replied, exasperated. “What I don’t know is why he’s suddenly taken an interest in us.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it’s ‘us’ he’s interested in, Chloe.” Lucy smirked. “You’re the one he hasn’t taken his eyes off of.”

Chloe looked at him again, suddenly aware that Lucy was right - he was looking right at her. It wasn’t the first time she had seen Oliver Queen out in public. She’d covered a few of his speaking engagements during her internships with the Gazette, and she’d seen him at a club opening last summer. He was in and out before she even got past the entrance though.

The Gazette was full of news regarding the billionaire CEO. They tended to stick mostly to business, leaving the rumor mill to be reported by the seedier rags in town. But occasionally they ran photos and little blurbs in the society pages - Oliver Queen accompanied by this actress or that model, though usually not the same one for more than a few weeks at a time.

He’d recently been linked to Ava Brooks, a lingerie model who had turned her hand to acting. While her acting skills were amateur at best, the critics were labeling her a visual treat for the summer blockbuster field. Chloe’s self-esteem had taken its share of hits over the years, but it wasn’t crippled. She knew she was attractive, but she’d seen the photos of his dates, most of whom had about six to eight inches and a full cup size on her. So she really didn’t think it was self-deprecating to wonder what exactly he wanted with her.

And yet there he was, still looking at her. He smiled at her a bit playfully and nodded his head in a gesture that reinforced his desire for her to join him. He was interested in her; that much was clear. It was still strangely unexpected, but she couldn’t deny she wanted to go over there.

Chloe hesitated and looked at Lucy, who narrowed her eyes. “Chloe, if you turn him down I will have to disown you. I’m pretty sure no one says no to Oliver Queen.”

No one says no to Oliver Queen. She had no doubt Lucy was correct about that. Lois always said it was a bad idea to give a guy what he wanted right away. So what would Lois do?

She looked at the bartender and smiled. “Tell him we appreciate the offer, but we’re ok where we are.”

The bartender suddenly looked a lot more amused by his errand and walked away to deliver the message.

Chloe held up a hand in an appeasing gesture. “Before you kill me, I’m testing a theory.”

Lucy propped her chin on her hand and gazed at Chloe sorrowfully. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

“Lucy, how many times a day do you think he hears the word no? From anyone, but especially from women. Because I’ve seen him work a press conference before, and my guess is he doesn’t find ‘no’ an acceptable answer to any question he asks.” If nothing else, Chloe was confident she’d pegged that aspect of his personality correctly.

“Oh.” Lucy straightened up. “WWLD - but what if he changes his mind?”

“Then I’m no worse off than I was at the beginning of the night. If I go to him, he has the upper hand.” He’d probably have the upper hand regardless, but she knew she’d feel more comfortable if the playing field was leveled, at least a little. “If he comes over here and if I feel comfortable with him, then… we’ll see. But I’m not about to roll over and beg for it from a rich playboy who probably has more notches on his bedpost than IQ points.”

Lucy laughed at that. “God, I would beg for it. He is so hot.”

Chloe had to force herself not to look back in his direction because Lucy was right - he was hot times infinity and then some. Unfortunately, he probably knew exactly the effect he had on women and used it to his advantage. She only wished she knew what she’d done to get his attention because that would be a handy trick to have in her bag for future girls’ nights out.


When the bartender came back and told Oliver that his offer had been declined, he was surprised. Maybe he shouldn’t have been though because from the moment he first saw her, she’d shown that she tended to do things her own way. She hadn’t been frightened by the threats of her would be attacker, nor had she been awed by a sighting of the resident vigilante. So it wasn’t a stretch that she might not be overly impressed by his public persona either.

She had definitely noticed him checking her out, though at first it looked like she was confused by the bartender’s message. When she looked up and saw him, he made it clear that his interest was in her rather than her companion. He’d even seen a curious interest of her own before she looked away and turned him down.

The question now was whether to drop it or pursue it. Ava returned and attempted to engage his attention, but he wasn’t in the mood to placate her. He assumed that she’d grown tired of his distraction because she kept to the other side of the room talking to a few actors in town on the summer press junket tour.

It wasn’t long before Hal joined him. “You know, you’re going to be dateless at the end of the night if you don’t put in some effort. You do have a reputation to uphold.”

“What kind of girl refuses a VIP invite?” Oliver asked, genuinely curious.

“Are we talking in general, or is there a specific situation here?”

Oliver nodded over to the blonde’s table. She and her friend had been joined by Ty Mabry again, as well as some of his friends.

Hal looked back at Oliver. “Which one are we talking about?”

“The blonde,” Oliver replied. “Remember that girl I told you about last summer - the one with the Taser?”

“That’s her?” Hal focused on the blonde girl with renewed interest. “She doesn’t look like she’d have that much attitude.”

“You’d be surprised,” Oliver said drily. “I asked the bartender to extend an invitation to join us, and she said no.”

“Ouch. I don’t know - girlfriend, maybe?” He gestured to her brunette companion.

“Nope - I’ve been watching them for a while. They’re not a couple,” he said confidently. “And I don’t think she has a boyfriend either - I’m getting a single girls’ night vibe.”

“So then what kind of single, heterosexual girl isn’t into Oliver Queen?” Hal tapped the rail thoughtfully. “I’d say one of taste and substance - which means you’re out of luck.”

He should have realized that Hal would find this amusing. “I was looking more for helpful suggestions.”

“Well, she doesn’t seem to like that drink on the table. Send something over. Every girl likes Cristal.”

Ten minutes later, Hal said, “Okay, I stand corrected. I hate to say it man, but maybe she’s just not that into you. Meanwhile, the bartending staff is getting a real kick out of this.”

Oliver had noticed the slight smirk on the bartender’s face after he returned the Cristal. Asshole, he thought. He was starting to feel frustrated. “I could go over there.”

“Has any girl ever shot you down publicly? Just saying - your ego may take a hit.” Hal was clearly enjoying himself.

“There was a moment when she first looked at me that she seemed interested,” Oliver said. “Maybe I just need to alter my approach.”

Hal asked, “So you’re thinking about what? Getting to know her or just taking her home tonight?”

Oliver pushed away from the rail and grinned. “If I’m lucky? All of the above.”


Chloe pulled out her phone and scrolled through her messages as she waited for Lucy to return from the bar. When a couple of bottles clinked against the table she looked up with a start to see Oliver sliding a chair closer to her.

He sat down and flashed a charming smile. “Hi.”

“Hi,” she said, trying to hide her surprise. After she sent back the Cristal, she saw him and his friend move away from the rail to rejoin their group. She’d honestly thought he was done.

“Oliver Queen.” He held out a hand.

She placed her hand in his, half expecting him to do something cheesy like kiss it. Instead, he squeezed gently before releasing her. “I know who you are.”

“Then you have me at a disadvantage,” he pointed out.

Chloe hesitated for a moment. “Lois,” she finally said.

“I have to say, Lois, I was disappointed when you turned down my invitation,” Oliver commented with a nod to the VIP area. “And then you sent back the Cristal. Rejection hurts, you know.”

Wow, he was good - all boyish charm with a touch of arrogance. Not to mention that smile. She wondered if he practiced it or if it was a natural gift. “Sorry. I guess I’m just not a VIP and Cristal kind of girl.”

He nodded. “That’s fair - I thought you might like to try something else.” He held up a hand to the bartender, who brought over a couple of glasses for the bottles of beer.

Chloe watched as he popped the cork on the first bottle. She had never been much of a beer drinker, but this wasn’t like any beer she’d tried before. “What kind of beer is that?”

“Local craft beer,” he answered, pouring the amber liquid into the glasses. “It’s dark, Belgian inspired ale. This one is brewed with locally grown sugar plums and some other dark fruits. Here, try it.”

Chloe accepted the glass and sniffed appreciatively. “Oh - it doesn’t smell like beer.” She took a small sip and let it roll across her tongue, surprised by the taste. “It’s kind of sweet, but it’s a dry sweetness. I’ve never tried ale before, but I like it.”

Oliver smiled and raised his glass, clinking it against hers. “To new experiences.”

She couldn’t help wondering what other new experiences he might have in mind. From the corner of her eye, she saw Lucy at the bar watching them as she chatted with Ty and a couple of the bartenders. It was clear that Lucy had no intention of interrupting them, so Chloe was on her own.

“So Lois - tell me about yourself. Are you from Star City?”

He was leaning closer now and making full eye contact. Chloe suppressed a shiver. “No. I’m just here for the summer.” She decided to leave out the part where she was leaving on Monday.

When she didn’t elaborate, he prompted her. “Where’s home for you?”

She took another sip of the ale. “Right now, the Midwest. I’m a journalism student.”

“Print or television?”

She was surprised that he seemed genuinely interested. “Print. I’ll finish up this year.”

“Are you in town visiting family?”

“Something like that.” She could see that her lack of specifics was frustrating him; he was probably used to women talking a lot more about themselves.

He switched tactics. “What brought you out tonight?”

“Just having a girls’ night,” she answered, draining her glass. “Although it appears Lucy is abandoning me.”

Oliver opened the second bottle and poured the dark brew into their glasses. “Lucy is your…?”

“Sister.” Might as well commit to the lie, she thought. Being someone else in a different city far from home was freeing. She didn’t have to worry about Clark or meteor freak interruptions for one thing. That had always put a definite damper on date night.

“And what does Lucy do?”

“She’s a fashion design student. She just finished an internship in Paris.”

For the next couple of hours she and Oliver talked. He introduced her to another type of ale, as well as a draft cider as they shared a small appetizer plate that paired well with the brews. Chloe felt pleasantly buzzed by the time the waiter came by to take the appetizer plate away. When Oliver put his arm around her, she realized he had moved even closer to her at some point, and she hadn’t even noticed.

The feel of his hand against the bare skin of her shoulder was doing warm, squirmy things to her insides. She took a breath and glanced over at the VIP area to see Ava Brooks at the rail looking at them with displeasure, though she immediately masked it when she met Chloe’s eyes. Ava turned back to her companions and laughed at something they were talking about.

Chloe looked at Oliver with a raised brow when she saw he had noticed Ava as well. “Girlfriend?”

“Publicity date,” he said with a shrug. “She’s doing press junkets.”

“Kind of an A-list party,” she commented. “Won’t they miss you?”

“Only Hal - the rest are more casual acquaintances.” He leaned in as he spoke and trailed a finger down her cheek. “You know, your eyes are amazing. Green is my favorite color.”

“Thanks.” She reached for her glass and took a drink of her cider, hoping it would have a cooling effect on her libido. She’d never been into overt PDA, but if he kept touching her she was afraid she was going to forget that and crawl into his lap.

She was a little relieved when they were interrupted by a tall, dark-haired man. “Hey Ollie, I think this party is getting ready to break up. You joining us? We’re going to The Loft next.”

“That depends on the lady,” Oliver replied. “Lois, this is my friend Hal.”

“Nice to meet you, Lois. And you should come, hang out, be social. Bring your friend - it’ll be fun.”

Chloe saw that Lucy was still at the bar. She pulled away from Oliver and said, “Let me just talk to Lucy first.”

Lucy, of course, was on board with the change of venue. “Let’s go.”

“Lucy…” She stopped and took a breath. “He thinks I’m Lois and that we’re sisters.”

“I wish,” Lucy said with humor. “So why lie?”

“Because if I do this, it’s a one and done thing, for obvious reasons.” Even though she’d told Lucy she would consider a fling, she realized now that she hadn’t been very serious about the idea. But Oliver was clearly willing and available - at least for the night. The biggest surprise was how much she wanted it.

“He seems pretty into you. But then there’s the fact that you’re leaving, and the whole geographical dilemma, so I get it. Either way, you’d be crazy not to.”

The whole situation felt crazy, no matter which path she chose. But crazy or not, she felt like she’d already made her decision.


The Loft featured a more intimate environment, and the mood was mellow. After Oliver’s entourage settled in, Oliver pulled Lois away from the group once again. Her sister was obviously very social and had no problem mixing with new people, and he wanted more alone time with his mysterious blonde.

He guided her over to the bar. “Want anything?”

She ran her finger down the cocktail menu. “No more ale, but I’m cautious about mixing beer and liquor.”

“Well, you started with liquor, and we had water. It’s probably fine.”

Lois perused the menu for a moment. “Appletini. I haven’t had one of those in forever.”

Once they had their drinks, Oliver led her to a large, private balcony that faced the harbor. A light breeze carried the smell of the ocean, and he laughed as she set her drink down on a table and spread her arms in delight, breathing deeply.

“I love the smell of the ocean,” she said, smiling at him.

Oliver grabbed her hand and pulled her in closer so he could rest his hands on her hips. “You’re kind of adorable.”

“You only say that because you’ve never seen me in a caffeine deprivation funk. I’ve been told it’s scary.” She turned and gazed out at the lights of the harbor. “I’ll definitely miss California.”

“When are you leaving?”

She turned to face him again. She seemed hesitant to answer, and he thought she might ignore the question.

Finally, she answered him. “Monday.”

A feeling of disappointment settled in his stomach. “That soon, huh? Will you come back?”

“No, probably not.”

She didn’t give him any details, something she’d avoided doing all night in fact. “Getting answers from you is like trying to catch a hummingbird, Lois. You’re here for a moment, gone the next, and very good at deflecting.”

“And what would you do if you caught me?” She tilted her head back to look at him curiously.

Oliver slid his hands higher, pulling her in closer, and she didn’t protest as he lowered his head to press his lips to hers in a series of soft, teasing kisses. When he pulled back, her eyes were dark, reflecting the same desire he felt.

He stroked a gentle hand down her hair. “I think we both know what I want. And it seems like we want the same thing. If I’m on the wrong page here then tell me.”

“First I should tell you what I don’t want,” she said softly. “I don’t want to be another girl who ended up in your bed and thought it was more than it was. And that may sound harsh, but we both know there’s truth to it. Another truth is that I’m leaving on Monday and it is highly unlikely I’ll ever be here again. So if I let you catch me, it’s with the knowledge that we understand what this is.”

There were a lot of situations where Oliver would have welcomed those words, but this wasn’t one of them. And Monday is still a few days away, he thought. He stepped back to sit in a chair and pulled her between his knees. “We still have the weekend.”

Lois didn’t answer him. Sliding her arms around his neck, she allowed him to pull her into his lap, and he nearly groaned aloud at the torture of feeling her warm, soft body against his.

“God, this feels good.”

He was pleased that her voice was shaky, showing that he affected her the same way she did him. “You know, I do have a jet. And I do take as many weekends off as I can.”

She kissed him again, opening her mouth to let his tongue sweep against hers. When they pulled apart, she said, “I suppose you have a big boat too… and then there’s that fancy sports car you drove us here in.”

“I have a yacht - we could take it out tomorrow if you want to see it. And I have a few fast cars if you want to go for a ride.”

She pressed her lips beneath his ear and whispered, “Boring.”

His fingers tightened on her hips, and he laughed. “Really?”

“Hmm.” She darted her tongue out against his neck, leaning back with a satisfied smile when he drew a quick breath. “One percenters with black AmEx cards have never held much interest for me.”

If any other girl had said that, he might have thought she was lying. In his experience, every woman liked the money and status that accompanied a relationship with him, however brief it might be. Lois, though - he had a feeling she was telling him the absolute truth. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

“I doubt it,” she murmured. “Yachting with your ridiculously hot friends, publicity dates with lingerie models, VIP parties…” she shifted in his lap and ran her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck as she kissed him again.

“Let me guess. Boring?” God, he was so turned on. He pulled her as close as he could and kissed her, hard. He moved one hand down, resting it against her knee and allowing his fingers to trace the soft skin of her inner thigh.

She buried her face against his neck and squeaked. “That tickles.”

Oliver pulled her in for more kisses, beginning with light caresses that gradually turned more passionate. When she started circling her hips against him, he groaned. “Whoa - okay. We’re starting something we can’t finish - not here anyway.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she rested her head against his shoulder, both of them taking deep breaths to calm down.

After a few minutes, he said, “Let me catch you tonight. We can talk about the rest tomorrow.”

She ran her hand down his chest and across his stomach, causing the muscles there to tense.

“I’m going to say yes - mostly because I really want to know more about the six pack I can feel hiding beneath your shirt,” she said, her tone teasing. “How does a CEO find time to stay in that kind of shape?”

“Personal gym at home and the office,” he answered her with a smirk. “I also like extreme sports. Still bored?”

“Not so much.” She slid off his lap and stepped back, smoothing her hair before heading for the door. “If you want me, better come catch me.”

Oliver followed within seconds, knowing there was no way in hell he was going to let her get away from him tonight. He caught up with her quickly and kept her close as she said goodbye to her sister, promising to call later. He had long sobered up, but the low level hum of sexual excitement he felt around her made him feel almost buzzed.

He led her outside to his car, a silver BMW Spyder he’d recently purchased, and they made the drive to his penthouse in silence. When they arrived, he killed the engine and looked over at her. “You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”

She smiled at him. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

Something inside him relaxed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had to pursue a woman the way he’d pursued Lois all night. He didn’t know why, but she was holding back - most likely out of a fear of being hurt. He supposed he could understand that. For tonight, he had her. He’d deal with the rest tomorrow.

A/N: A lot of the inspiration for this chapter came from the song ‘Boring’ by Pink - the theme is recurring throughout the story. I was hoping I’d find a Chlollie vid on YT to that song, but alas no. If you like Olicity (Arrow), Smoak Arrow did use the song for an Arrow vid that features the whole cast. I don’t do song fics exactly, but if you know another cute, fun song that you think could inspire a story, let me know. Thanks for reading!

smallville, character: hal jordan, character: chloe sullivan, character: oliver queen, fanfiction, fic: if you want me, character: lucy lane, chlollie

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