Fic: A Walk on the Wild Side (8/10)

Mar 08, 2013 18:52

A/N: Definitely rated NC-17, but I added this symbol (~~) to mark where that ends if you'd like to skip that part.

Part VIII (1)

Chloe stared at herself in the mirror and drew in a shaky breath. Without a doubt, this was one of the boldest things she’d ever done. It was both thrilling and utterly terrifying at the same time. She really didn’t think he would laugh at her, but what if he just wasn’t into it and went along with it for her sake?

Stop it. She was just psyching herself out, and there was no reason for it. Oliver had been dropping hints about this costume ever since the first night they were together. The odds of him not finding her surprise seduction a turn-on were very, very low. Still, it was a lot more nerve-wracking than she had anticipated back in the planning stages.

Chloe checked the bedroom again before moving into the living room to wait for him. She knew he should be coming in from patrol soon and according to Clark’s message earlier, it had been a very slow night on the crime front. She planned to catch him coming in from the balcony, so she took up her position by the doors and waited.


Oliver dropped lightly onto his balcony and disengaged the zip line. His presence on patrol had been completely unnecessary for once, and he still had a lot of energy to burn. He rolled his neck as he stepped through the double doors, but all of his senses immediately snapped to attention when he realized he wasn’t alone. There was a slight shifting of the air behind him, the sound of a light tread on the floor. He reached for his bow but paused when he caught the scent of apples. Chloe.

“Sneaking up on a vigilante is a dangerous game,” he said without turning around. The harsh sound of his voice distorter sounded even grittier in the silence of his penthouse. He felt something hard prodding him in the back and wondered exactly what she was doing.

“As an officer of the law, I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” she replied. “Turn around and face the wall.”

Officer? He felt his heart rate kick up as he turned towards the wall. He placed his hands against the wall and widened his stance a bit. “If you’re planning to frisk me, can I make a request?”

“What kind of request?”

She sounded a bit breathless now as he felt her small hands disengaging his crossbow, and a bolt of electricity shot down his spine as he answered, “Don’t worry about being gentle.”

She laughed a little as she removed his utility belt and other weapons, leaving him in only his uniform. “Wasn’t planning on it.” Her arms wrapped around him, and she put her hands on his chest. Palms down, she began moving them slowly down his torso, feeling every inch of it along the way. “Any more dangerous weapons I should worry about?”

Oliver tried to control his breathing. He was so turned on right now he could barely think, and as much as he was enjoying her little game, he wanted to see what he knew she was wearing. “No - but feel free to be as thorough as you’d like.”

“Oh, I will,” she promised, her voice soft and just a little shaky. At least he wasn’t the only one being affected by this.

His arms and shoulders were tense as he held himself in check. And still her hands moved slowly and methodically over his body. She knelt behind him and skimmed his legs, inside and outside. She moved to his shoulders and back, and then down to his hips. She squeezed his ass and he groaned as he felt one of her hands moving around to the front. When her fingers wrapped around the bulge in his leather pants, he closed his eyes and dropped his head to the wall.

With one final squeeze, Chloe backed up. “I think we should continue this in your bedroom, don’t you?”

Hell, yes. He turned and saw Chloe for the first time. She was wearing the cop costume, and every Officer Chloe fantasy he’d had in the last month sprang to life in his head. But as entertaining as his fantasies had been, she exceeded all of them. Several buttons of the light blue uniform shirt had been left open, and the curves of her breasts were threatening to spill forth with each breath she took. The shirt was tied at her waist, revealing smooth skin and the flare of her hips above the low rise of the navy blue skirt. The skirt was short, and he allowed his eyes to wander down to the black heels that elevated her height by a good three inches.

He moved towards her, but she raised her hand. “Uh uh - you first.”

Oliver paused, for the first time noticing the slender, silver wand she held in her hand and the name badge on her uniform shirt. “Officer Pain?”

Chloe raised a brow and waved the wand to the side, indicating he should start walking. He smirked as he walked past her. Once they reached his bedroom, he turned. “What now, Officer?”

She nodded toward the bed. “Now you can put those on.”

Oliver looked at the bed and saw a pair of silk lined leather cuffs attached to his headboard. Since his headboard was one solid piece, an attachment had been fitted over the top and the cuffs were connected to it. He couldn’t recall seeing the attachment before and wondered if she had made another trip to the sex toy shop. He didn’t say anything as he made his way over to the bed and sat back against the headboard. He snapped on the cuffs. “Now that you have me where you want me, Officer, what are you planning to do with me?”

He drew in a sharp breath as Chloe put first one knee on the bed and then the other. She knelt before him and ran the slender silver wand down her chest. Suddenly, a low level buzz filled the room, and Oliver felt all of the blood in his upper body rushing south. Chloe continued to move the toy over her breasts slowly before slipping it under skirt - just for a moment. But it was long enough for Oliver to realize this was a level of eroticism he’d never experienced before. She was all innocence and sex appeal as she teased him, and no one had ever gotten him this hard this fast before.

Then she was positioning herself between his legs, and he felt the vibration of the toy as she moved it lightly down his chest - first one side and then the other. He pulled against the cuffs a little and groaned, unable to take his eyes off of her face. Her expression was one of fascinated concentration, and as she moved the toy lower, he felt like he was minutes away from embarrassing himself. He fought to hang onto his control as she ran it lightly down his inner thighs. Closing his eyes, Oliver concentrated on breathing as the exquisite torture continued. She moved up and over his chest again and along his arms, over his hips and down his thighs.

Then he felt her fingers on his pants, nimbly unfastening and spreading the leather material. He could hear her breathing increase, and he opened his eyes to look at her as she wrapped her fingers around him, gripping him lightly. He drew a shuddering breath. “Unbutton your shirt.”

Chloe’s cheeks flushed even more as she licked her lips. Without taking her hand away from him, she placed the toy on the bed beside her and then undid a few more of the buttons on her shirt. The lacy red bra she wore lifted the firm globes of flesh temptingly, and he couldn’t take his eyes away from her as she leaned down and wrapped her lips around him.

Oliver was used to women coming at him like porn stars, tossing their hair, thrusting out their chests, and licking their lips like Jenna wannabes. Sometimes there was actual skill involved in whatever technique they employed and sometimes only the illusion of it. Either way it got old pretty fast and more often lately, he found himself vaguely dissatisfied after such encounters.

There was no such posturing in Chloe’s approach to pleasing him, nor was there any particular skill involved, but there was no doubt in his mind it was the best thing he’d ever felt. Her touch was soft yet firm and she seemed almost to be savoring the experience as much as he was. The only sounds in the room now were his occasional groans - until he heard the buzzing start up again. He felt the gentle vibration against his inner thigh as she continued to move her mouth on him, and then it moved up. He came hard, sweating and shaking through his release.

He felt Chloe shift on the bed and then she was beside him. The cuffs loosened around first one wrist, then the other, and he moved down slightly to lie back against the pillows, still breathing hard. When he felt her lay next to him, he reached up to remove his dark glasses. He tossed them aside before pushing his hood back and turning his head towards her. She looked very, very pleased with herself.

“How long have you been planning this?”

She smiled, tracing her fingers over the hard muscles of his upper arm. “For about a week - I wanted to surprise you.”

Oliver laughed. “Mission accomplished.” He turned on his side and slid his hand inside her bra, palming the warm flesh and squeezing gently. He kept his eyes on her, loving the way her eyes darkened as she bit her lip. “And for the record, that was fucking fantastic - so you can surprise me any time you want.”

“Yeah?” Her breathing was speeding up again, and she kept her eyes locked on his even as he removed his hand from her bra and moved it under her skirt. She couldn’t contain her moan as he slipped his fingers under her matching lace panties. He felt himself stirring again, desire coursing through him as he felt the evidence of her arousal.

Their sexual chemistry and compatibility never failed to amaze him. And unlike most of his past sexual relationships, the attraction showed no signs of waning even after a month. If anything it was growing stronger. Oliver ignored the uneasy feeling that crept through him at that thought. He and Chloe were on the same page here, and the last thing he needed to do was make things unnecessarily complicated.

He rolled her onto her back and attached the cuffs to her wrists, positioning her arms so that her hands were palms up beside her head. She looked up at him, her expression one of both desire and trust. Funny that he’d never realized what a turn-on trust in the bedroom could be. But every time she looked at him that way, he felt something new and powerful uncoiling inside him. He’d been around the block enough times to know that kind of trust was a rare thing, and he accepted it from her as he would a precious gift.

He kissed her temple. “Is this ok?”

She nodded, apparently out of words - something he wouldn’t have thought possible before they started this. The fact that he had the ability to render Chloe Sullivan, queen of the snarky comeback, speechless boosted his sexual ego.

Oliver took his time, touching her everywhere and admiring the picture she made with her shirt half undone and blonde curls spilling across the pillow. He’d never been that into bondage, but the sight of Chloe cuffed to his bed had him fully aroused again almost instantly. He finished unbuttoning her shirt and undid the front clasp of her bra. His hands moved slowly but firmly over the firm globes of flesh revealed. He lowered his head and ran his tongue across first one mound and then the other, pausing to suck hard on one beaded tip.

Chloe cried out, and her legs came up to grasp his hips. “Ollie, please.”

Knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer, Oliver moved down and slipped her panties off. And when he kissed the damp, sensitive flesh between her thighs, she went off like a rocket, her high-pitched cries echoing through the penthouse.

Oliver sat up and ran his hands soothingly down her shaking thighs as he mentally reined himself in. He reached into his bedside table and pulled out a few condoms but paused when Chloe whispered, “We don’t actually need those anymore.”

He swallowed hard as he moved one of his hands up her thigh and between her legs, rubbing gently. “Ok.”

He widened her thighs as he moved between them and settled over her, and then he was inside her. Chloe whimpered slightly and he paused. “Am I hurting you?”

She shook her head. “Don’t stop.”

Oliver was pretty sure he couldn’t stop now if he wanted to. The sensation of being inside her without barriers was far more intimate than he’d been expecting, and he took a moment to look down at her, smoothing her hair back. “You feel so good.”

Chloe raised her head to kiss him. “So do you.”

Oliver kissed her back, cupping the back of her head as he pulled away. He stared into her eyes, searching - for what he wasn’t sure. “How did we never see this?”

“See what?”

“That we could be this good together,” he whispered, kissing her again. He grasped her hip and pulled out, only to push back in slowly. He groaned and dropped his head to kiss the side of her neck, thrusting a couple of times before pausing again. “You are so fucking tight and wet, and you feel like you were made for me.”

Chloe mentally cursed the cuffs because all she wanted right now was to wrap her arms around Oliver and make him move already. “Oliver, for the love of God, please stop talking and just…” she bucked against him as best she could, managing to tilt her hips slightly. He slid deeper with her movement, eliciting moans from both of them, and then he was gone. She opened her eyes to see him reaching for her skirt. He unzipped it and pulled it off, and then he turned her over.

She gasped as he flipped her, her hands searching for purchase against the slick wood of the headboard. She felt his hands on her hips before they slid up her back and pushed against her shoulders. “Just relax,” he told her, and she shuddered slightly. She allowed her upper body to be guided by him until she was resting against the pillows, her arms beside her head. Chloe tried to calm her racing heart as she listened to his movements behind her. With her knees under her and her hips tilted up, she felt utterly wanton and exposed, and with any other man she suspected she’d be freaking out already at her lack of control. But she trusted Oliver implicitly because she knew he would never do anything to hurt her.

She felt Oliver pushing her shirt up and out of his way, and then his big hands moved down her sides slowly until they reached her hips. He tilted them up a little more before widening her thighs slightly, and then she felt him moving in against her. He was still wearing his uniform, and she whimpered as the soft, cool leather brushed against her heated flesh. Then she felt him hard against her, and inside her, much deeper this time. She couldn’t stop the little moans that escaped her as he set a steady pace, and then she heard it - a buzzing noise, but much softer than the one her silver toy had produced.

When she felt a vibrating sensation against her hand, she turned her head to see a much smaller toy designed to be worn over two fingers and covered in a silicone sleeve similar to the one Oliver had used on their first night together.

Oliver leaned over her and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, darting his tongue out to taste her. “I am about to make you feel really, really good. But if things get too intense for you, I need you to let me know. You remember your safe word?”

Her heart slammed against her rib cage, and she struggled to get the word out. “Apples.” She wondered if she had any shot at all of being able to verbalize that safe word once he started whatever it was he had planned. Somehow she doubted it.

“Good.” He kissed the spot under her ear that always produced a shiver, and she loved the way his stubble brushed against the skin of her neck and shoulder. And then she couldn’t think because Oliver’s hand was on the move. The little toy brushed against her neck and down to her breasts, massaging the sensitive peaks until they tightened almost painfully. And still his steady thrusting movements continued.

She tightened her hands against the pillow as a slow burn made its way from her core to the rest of her body. She was panting as he continued to tease her, moving his hand down to her belly, tickling her. Jesus, what was he doing to her? She wasn’t even sure how much time had passed, but her body was so sensitized it felt like he’d been touching her for hours.

The toy buzzed against the sensitive flesh of her lower belly and then against her inner thigh. Back and forth it moved, a torturous path that was electrifying every one of her nerve endings to an almost painful degree. Apples, she thought dimly. But she knew she didn’t really want him to stop.

Oliver inched his hand up her thigh, and then she felt it against her slick folds. She came within seconds, so loudly it would have been mortifying had she been able to think straight. He pulled the toy away and began to move harder, faster. Then the toy was there, and she came again - or maybe the first orgasm had never ended. She wasn’t sure anymore. She sank bonelessly against the pillows and she felt one of his arms wrap around her waist, holding her to him, while the other moved across her chest. The toy was gone, and his long fingers flexed against her collarbone as he pushed hard against her once, twice - and then his groans filled the room before he finally stilled his movements.


Neither of them moved for long minutes. Oliver’s leather vest was sticking to the damp skin of her back, but the rest of her body was beginning to register the cool temperature of the room. When she shivered, he pulled away from her and moved to unlock the cuffs around her wrists. Then he pulled the blanket up around her. “I’ll be right back.”

Chloe nodded sleepily, her body still humming while her brain scrambled to catch up. Every time she thought she’d finally managed to wrap her head around how she felt when she was with Oliver, he upped the ante on her. She hadn’t even known sex like that was possible. And even though she worried that the time was coming when he would tire of their affair, he seemed to be enjoying being with her just as much as she loved being with him. Loved - she shied away from the thought, knowing it was a treacherous path to heartache. She felt more for him than she wanted to admit, and though she knew the smart thing would be to walk away before she fell even harder, she was beginning to doubt her ability to do that.

Oliver slid into bed beside her, interrupting her thoughts. His uniform was gone now, and he was beautifully, gloriously naked. She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he pulled back the blanket. She sat up and removed her shirt and unfastened bra, and then he began using the warm, wet washcloths he’d brought from the bathroom. It wasn’t something she was used to - being cared for in this way after sex, and it made her feel cherished. It was a slippery slope she was on with regard to her feelings for Oliver, one that she was going to have to give some serious thought to.

When he was finished, he threw the cloths onto the nightstand. “How are you feeling?” He gathered her against him as they settled back against the pillows.

“Tired and wonderful, a little sore, and amazing - and did I mention wonderful?”

“Not too sore, I hope - I have other plans for you later,” he replied, kissing her gently.

“Sounds promising,” she laughed, fitting her head against the curve of his shoulder.

“And for the record, if this was your inner kink beast coming out to play, please feel free to let it out more often,” he said with a grin, turning his head to look down at her. “If I’d had any idea what you were planning, I’d have come home a hell of a lot earlier.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” She traced patterns against his chest. “By the way, Lois and Clark know that I’m kind of… seeing someone. Lois found condoms in my purse tonight, and then Clark overheard us talking about it and sort of broke the kitchen sink with his head, which thankfully distracted Lois long enough for me to get away - though not without a lecture from Clark about the dangers of casual sex.”

Oliver winced slightly. “I wouldn’t call it casual sex, but I get how he’d see it. They didn’t ask about who it was?”

“Oh they asked - I just told them it was none of their business. And while I can get Clark to back off for now, we both know Lois is going to be watching me like a hawk. And speaking of revelations, Clark told me that you had Vic do a background check on George.” She raised a challenging brow as she propped her head on her hand.

“Sorry?” Oliver offered her his most charming grin.

“No, you’re not. And if I hadn’t just had several of the best orgasms of my life, I’d probably be a lot angrier about it.”

“Yeah well, you’re right - I’m not sorry. All’s fair in love and war, and while George is apparently a nice guy, he was in my way,” Oliver said in a matter of fact tone. “I knew what I wanted, and what I wanted,” he paused to pull her on top of him, “was you.”

Chloe tried to ignore the little thrill that went through her at his words. Part of her wanted to ask how long he intended to keep her, but a bigger part didn’t want to know. She just wanted to live in the moment for once. Echoing his earlier words, she replied, “Well, now that you have me, what are you planning to do with me?”

She shrieked and giggled as she felt him pinch her bottom. “Dirty, dirty things, Sullivan - not fit for those innocent little ears,” he answered, slapping the round flesh beneath his hand. His eyes were dark with desire as he looked up at her. “Now that we’ve built your stamina up a little bit and you’re not falling asleep on me, that is.”

Chloe settled against him more firmly. “You’re not the only one with plans, Queen. And my ears are far less innocent than they used to be, not to mention the rest of me.”

“Please tell me those plans involve more appearances from Officer Pain because she very much exceeded my expectations.”

“No spoilers - you’ll just have to wait and see,” she smirked as she lowered her body against his and kissed him. Somehow she thought he’d like her little surprises.

A/N: This is in two parts because I may refer FF readers to this part here rather than posting it there.  Also you can thank dtissagirl for this update because it might not have happened without her help with an LJ problem I was having.  This may post without the banner - still having some posting problems.  And I want to apologize for not replying to comments as I usually do - my Internet connection stinks.  Just know that I read them all and appreciate the love for this story.  I feel that I'm walking a fine line with characterization here, and I'm trying to keep it realistic.  As always, constructive feedback is welcome.  Part VIII (2) picks up around the time of the bachelorette and features some bumps for Choe and Ollie - it will be up as soon as I have the patience to deal with posting it - right now I'm stepping away from the computer for a bit.  Thanks for reading!

smallville, fic: a walk on the wild side, chlollie, fanfiction

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