Letting Go: Chapter 12

May 01, 2012 00:44

Author: Poetgirl925
Title: Letting Go
Rating: R, based on later chapters
Summary: When Chloe's life starts to unravel both personally and professionally, she decides some major changes and a fresh start may be the answer to her problems.
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Status: WIP, approximately 18 chapters
Warnings: Spoilers through Siren, but goes AU from there.
Disclaimer: I own only my original characters appearing in the story.

Chapters:  Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7
 Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11

View photos of the original characters in the story.

Chapter 12

Chloe leaned against the counter as she watched Oliver moving around her small kitchen.  “Should I be worried that you’re about to attempt cooking here?”  They had spent a large part of the day at a local outdoor market picking up fresh vegetables and fish.  It wasn’t the first time Oliver had taken her to the market, but it was the first time they had brought home food to prepare for themselves.

Oliver snorted.  “If your kitchen has survived the Sullivan-Lane cooking genes, I think we’re safe.  Besides, I actually do know how to cook.  I’ve managed to pick up a few things while traveling.”

“You know, just because Lois is domestically challenged doesn’t make it a Sullivan-Lane trait,” Chloe retorted.  “I’m no gourmet, but I learned enough from Mrs. Kent over the years to keep my dad, Lois and me from starving when we got tired of takeout.”

Oliver raised a dubious brow as he continued to unpack various bags that he had brought with him.  “I’ll take your word for it.  So are those photographers still outside?”

Chloe walked over to the window and peeked out the blinds, looking for the two men who had followed them from the Farmer’s market back to her apartment.  “They’re still hanging around across the street.  But, at least they can’t get into the building anymore, what with the new security doors at all the entrances.”

A few weeks before, one overzealous member of the tabloid press had followed her all the way up the stairs to her apartment, forcing Chloe to use her Taser when he wouldn’t back off.  Since the police had been called and that had also ended up in the news, she hadn’t been able to keep it quiet.  To say that Oliver and the rest of her friends, particularly Mrs. Chandler, had been upset was an understatement.

Oliver paused briefly as he cleared his throat.  “You mentioned that you have a new building super too - how’s he working out?”

Chloe turned away from the window and walked back to the kitchen.  “Very well, actually, but it’s not just a new super.  The whole building is apparently under new management, a company called Waterston Properties.  We got an addendum to our rental agreements notifying us of the changes to expect, and the new super walked around and spoke with each resident.  He’s already made a list of repairs needed, and better locks are being installed for each apartment.”

“New management, huh?”  Oliver knew all about the new management since Waterston Properties fell under the umbrella of Queen Industries.  But he had no intention of enlightening Chloe since he felt certain she wouldn’t appreciate his interference.

Chloe propped her chin on her hand, watching as he efficiently sliced some of the colorful peppers they had purchased that afternoon.  “Yeah, lucky for me, huh?”  She resisted the urge to roll her eyes in amusement.

When she had received the addendum to her rental agreement, the first thing she had done was look up everything there was to know about Waterston Properties.  It had taken a little digging, but she was fully aware that it was part of Queen Industries and given Oliver’s unhappiness with her building security, there was no way it was a simple coincidence.

Her first reaction had been irritation.  She liked the feeling of independence she had gained after moving to Star City.  And while she appreciated the sentiment behind Oliver’s gesture, she didn’t want him to think he could just swoop in and solve all her problems whenever he felt like it.  She had been all set to march over to Oliver’s and lay into him when Mrs. Chandler had stopped by her apartment with dinner one evening, full of news about the new building super, Mr. Martinez.  Apparently he had been visiting each tenant, introducing himself and personally taking note of any concerns they had or repairs that were needed.

During their conversation, Chloe learned that Mrs. Chandler had worried more about living alone after her husband died.  There were also a few single mothers living in the building, and Mrs. Chandler had informed her that everyone was relieved to have better security and a building manager who took his job seriously.

So Chloe waited and spoke to Mr. Martinez herself.  She quickly realized that while Oliver might have decided to purchase the property because she was living there, the people he’d put in charge were committed to their new project.  Mr. Martinez had also impressed her when he advised that he was prioritizing repairs based on units housing the elderly or children, as well as the seriousness of the repairs needed.  Knowing that he was under no apparent orders to give her preferential treatment had gone a long way toward reducing her aggravation with a certain billionaire’s hero complex.

Further research had shown that Waterston Properties was responsible for purchasing and renovating numerous buildings around the city, thus providing better living conditions for many of Star City’s lower income families.  Chloe found that she couldn’t really be angry with Oliver’s interference, not when it was benefiting so many other people besides her.  On the other hand, they were really going to have to talk about the fact that he thought he could fly under her radar like this.

They continued to chat amicably, and it struck her that it no longer seemed odd that he was there in her space.  In fact, over the last couple of months she and Oliver had been spending a lot more of their downtime together.  It had started with lunch a few times a week, followed by the occasional dinner or drinks after work.  Sometimes they went alone, and sometimes they were joined by their friends.

Then Oliver had started showing up at her place on weekends.  They went for coffee, and they took walks in the park.  They went to the bookstore together and played ‘Who Can Find the Strangest Reading Material’, a game she, Pete and Clark had found endlessly entertaining when they were younger.  They had fun discussing their reading choices, and it helped them learn a little more about each other in the process.  And slowly but surely, Chloe realized there was much more to Oliver Queen than even she had guessed.

They went to the beach one weekend with Bart, Victor, AC, Lanie, Mike, and Ashlyn.  Mike seemed to have warmed up to Oliver in recent weeks, and the two men had spirited sports debates, with Lanie and Ashlyn joining the fray on occasion.  Despite growing up in the Midwest where sports reigned supreme, Chloe had little interest in the topic.  But she and Oliver debated every other topic under the sun.  She had to admit that it was really nice to feel that her opinion was of value even when they didn’t agree, which was often enough to keep things interesting.

She was also logging more Watchtower hours as she helped the team track potential 33.1 locations.  The last site they’d hit had provided a wealth of information stored on servers, and she and Victor had been going through the multitudes of files for weeks.  It was all encrypted, but Chloe was sure that they had discovered a database containing names and information on the meteor infected people who had spent time in Lex’s labs.  Information like that could prove invaluable in taking Lex down, and she was determined to help Oliver serve the justice that Lex deserved.

In short, Oliver had become more than her cousin’s ex or her part-time boss.  He’d become her friend, one that she enjoyed spending her free time with.  There was also no denying that she felt an overwhelming attraction to him.  No surprise there - she’d known that since he’d first flashed his dazzling smile in Clark’s barn.  And that, of course, led to problems of a different and more personal kind because she was beginning to think that maybe she wanted more from Oliver than just his friendship.  She just had no idea what to do about it.

“Here, you’re responsible for the salad,” Oliver said as he gestured toward some of the vegetables, a knife and her newly purchased cutting board.

Chloe washed her hands at the sink and turned to find Oliver right there, holding a towel out for her.  Their hands brushed as he passed her the towel, and it sent an electrifying tingle straight down to her toes.  “Thanks,” she murmured, feeling her breath catch a little at his answering grin.

She dried her hands and set about preparing the salad in a large bowl, trying not to stare at Oliver as he rubbed the salmon fillets with lemon and placed them in a pan with some of the peppers before drizzling them with olive oil.  She wondered what it was about his hands that led her mind down a path best not traveled.  His hands, and his arms - she blamed Lanie for going on and on about Green Arrow’s muscular physique.  It wasn’t as if she hadn’t noticed before, but now she seemed to notice all the time.  And it was distracting - very, very distracting.

The real kicker was that Oliver was physically aware of her too, something she wouldn’t have believed a couple of months ago.  Under Lanie’s influence, she had bought a little red bikini for their trip to the beach.  Lanie had assured her that she looked hot, and the blatant male interest in Oliver’s eyes all day had backed that up in spades.  Though neither of them was pushing to move out of the friend zone at the moment, Chloe knew that was likely to change.  One thing she was certain of was that Oliver enjoyed spending time with her.  He felt something for her, and it was a total revelation after years of unrequited pining for Clark.  And as much as she cared about Clark and Jimmy, she somehow sensed that what she could potentially feel for Oliver would eclipse those schoolgirl feelings.  The idea was equal parts exhilarating and scary.

And just how far did Oliver’s feelings go?  The billion dollar question, Chloe mused wryly as she placed the salad in the refrigerator.  She turned and leaned against the counter, watching as Oliver bent to retrieve another pan from under her stove.  His T-shirt rode up, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the tantalizing glimpse of skin revealed.  Her gaze followed the line of his back to his arms, and his hands… freaking Lanie.  Down, girl.

“Want me to mix up the salad dressing?”  Chloe asked, knowing that Oliver liked the homemade version they had learned how to make on one of their trips to the downtown market.  At his nod, she began mixing the olive oil and Dijon mustard with various spices, shaking the little glass bottle vigorously before pouring a tiny drop onto her finger to taste.

“I think it needs the Oliver Queen taste test,” Oliver advised.  When Chloe tried to pass him the bottle he shook his head and held up his hands with an innocent expression.  “My hands are fishy.”

Chloe hesitated, but then she poured out another drop and held her breath as Oliver’s lips wrapped around the tip of her finger.  His eyes locked with hers as he rubbed the pad of her finger briefly with his tongue before pulling away.  “Delicious,” he said with a smirk before turning back to the stove.

Damn.  Chloe drew in a shaky breath.  This push and pull between them was like some extended version of foreplay that she hadn’t even known existed, and the fluttering in her nerve endings was probably registering on a Richter scale somewhere.  She leaned against the counter again, fighting the urge to fan herself.  I am so, so out of my league here.


Two days later, Chloe made her way into Oliver’s executive office suite.  They planned to attend a fundraising barbecue for the governor that afternoon and since one of Oliver’s meetings was running late, she had offered to meet him at QI.  She gave her name at the security desk and was promptly ushered through to the inner suite.  A woman, who appeared to be in her mid-forties, looked up from her computer at Chloe’s entrance.

“HI,” Chloe said as she approached the desk.  “Mr. Queen is expecting me.  I’m…”

“Chloe Sullivan,” the woman replied.  “Yes, I recognize you, and Mr. Queen told me to expect you.  He’s in a meeting, but he should be finished soon.  I’m his executive assistant, Mary Anne.  Would you like something to drink while you wait?”

“No, thank you.”  Chloe smiled hesitantly, unsure how to feel about the fact that people seemed to recognize her all over town now.  Between her articles on the scandal surrounding Councilwoman Jenkins and the continuing tabloid coverage of her supposed affair with Oliver, the attention she got fell just this side of creepy on occasion.

Mary Anne returned her smile.  “You know, my daughter is majoring in Journalism at Star City University.  She’s done nothing but talk about your articles on Councilwoman Jenkins for weeks now.”

“People have been very supportive of the continuing story.  And using money donated by the good citizens of Star City to support weapons trafficking in an area of the world where our troops are dying tends to stir up feelings of outraged patriotism. ”

The older woman nodded.  “And of course it leads to questions about possible misappropriation of city funds as well.  She’s always been very popular here, so I think voters feel especially betrayed.”

“It definitely looks like Ms. Jenkins has her fingers in a lot of unsavory pies,” Chloe agreed.  “The F.B.I. is involved, and sources tell me that we’ve only scratched the surface of what she’s been up to over the years.  I feel certain that an indictment is coming.”

Both women looked up as the door to Oliver’s office opened.  Chloe’s eyes widened slightly when Bruce Wayne emerged, eyes on his phone.

Bruce finished sending his email response and glanced over at Oliver’s assistant.  He paused when he saw the young woman standing at Mary Anne’s desk.  The pretty, petite blonde seemed vaguely familiar, and his eyes swept over her appreciatively as he stepped forward.

“Oliver asked me to give you this, Mary Anne.” Bruce said as he handed a file folder over to the assistant.  He turned his attention to the blonde, wondering again why she seemed familiar.  He held out his hand.  “Bruce Wayne.”

The young woman took his hand as she smiled at him.  “Chloe Sullivan.”

“Ah, that’s why you seem familiar,” Bruce replied.  “You’re Oliver’s friend from Metropolis - Ms. Lane’s cousin, if I remember correctly.”

Chloe raised her brows curiously.  “You’ve met Lois?”

Bruce nodded, eyes alight with mirth.  “Quite a woman, your cousin.  She was in Gotham a few months ago to cover a Wayne Enterprises press conference.  She also snuck into my office, posing as a new employee in order to get an interview with me.  I’m afraid she had a rather unfortunate encounter with my security guards and spent the better part of the day at the Gotham police station until my attorney could straighten it out.”

“That sounds like Lois.”  Chloe laughed, tilting her head to the side.

“And I’ve been reading your articles on Helen Jenkins - very nice reporting, by the way,” Bruce continued.  “I hate to admit it, but I’ve met her on several occasions and she managed to fool me.  I would never have suspected that she was involved in something like weapons trafficking.”

“I don’t think anyone suspected that,” Chloe replied as she pulled out her phone.  She bit her lip.  “Darn, my battery is dead.  I was going to send a quick message to my editor.”

Bruce held up his smart phone.  “You can use mine if you like.  It’s the latest model from the telecommunications branch of my company.  To date, we have the fastest mobile web browser available.”  He watched Chloe as she accessed the Internet, her brow wrinkled in concentration.  She seemed unsure of how to work the phone, and his mouth quirked up in amusement as she pressed the alarm by mistake.

“Oops!”  She gave him a sheepish grin.  “I love smart phones, but I confess that I’m all thumbs when it comes to technology.”

Bruce couldn’t help feeling charmed by her.  “That’s ok.  Need any help?”

She shook her head, finally seeming to get the hang of it.  She began typing her message, and he studied her with interest.  She was young but very attractive, with shoulder length blonde curls and a smile that lit up her green eyes.  His gaze roamed over her petite but curvaceous figure as he wondered how much of the tabloid speculation was true about her and Oliver.  Probably very little - Oliver’s interest ran more toward Ashlyn Sinclair and Lois Lane types rather than the sweet and pretty Chloe Sullivans of the world.  And she obviously had brains to go along with her beauty.  Her coverage of the scandal surrounding Helen Jenkins was very sharp and insightful.

She finished her message and handed the phone back to him with a smile.  “Thanks.  So, how long will you be in Star City?”

“Oliver and I have some more business to discuss, and I’m going to visit the Los Angeles branch of my company as well.  I’m planning to stay until after the QI charity gala.”  He paused for a moment and then asked, “I’m actually attending the governor’s fundraising barbecue this afternoon.  Any chance I could convince you to be my escort?”

“Oh, I’m actually attending with Oliver,” Chloe replied.  “I’m covering the fundraiser for the paper anyway, so he asked me to go with him.”

“Well, I’ll see you there.”  Bruce winked at her as he walked away.

Chloe suppressed a laugh, sitting down in a chair to wait for Oliver.  Gotcha, Batty.


Chloe tried to ignore the numerous cameras trained on her as she allowed Oliver to lead her into the private botanical garden where the governor was hosting his fundraising barbecue.  The grounds were beautiful, with lush plants and exotic flowers lining the stone walkways.  They passed small ponds and tinkling fountains as they made their way to the large pavilion where most of the guests had congregated.

“Wow, the governor is manning the grill,” Chloe observed, watching the charismatic man greet his guests even as he turned meats and vegetables on the fire.  “I wonder if he actually knows what he’s doing.”

“I think grilling anything over a fire is hardwired into male DNA,” Oliver quipped.  “But in case I’m wrong, it looks like he has some help.”  He nodded toward several easily recognizable celebrity chefs who were busy preparing appetizers and other designer finger foods.

Chloe’s face lit up.  “Hey, look who’s here!”

Oliver followed her gaze toward the bar nearest the grill and tried not to grimace when he saw Lanie’s bartender friend, Sean.  “Oh, look at that.”  He sighed as Chloe pulled him along to greet the other man.

Sean grinned when he saw Chloe approaching the bar.  “Well, if it isn’t Star City’s latest badass reporter.  What’s up, Sullivan?”

Chloe laughed as she leaned across the bar to hug Sean.  “I didn’t know that you worked events like this.”

Oliver’s jaw clenched as the other man’s hands slid across Chloe’s bare shoulders before he released her.  Lately it bothered him - a lot - when other men touched Chloe.  He slid his hands into his pockets, forcing himself to relax into a casual stance.

Sean shrugged.  “Not my usual scene.  A friend of mine does staffing for political fundraisers and society parties.  I help her out sometimes if she’s having trouble finding enough good bartenders who can pass the vetting process.”

“I’m just happy that I’ll be able to get a decent martini,” Chloe replied with a smile.  “But first I have to make the rounds and get quotes from all the bigwigs in attendance.”  She pulled her small notebook and mini recorder from her bag as she turned to Oliver.  “See you later?”

Oliver nodded and watched her go, admiring the swing of her hips, sun kissed shoulders, and the length of leg revealed by the short skirt of her yellow, halter neck sundress.  It was too bad that the skirt was A-line rather than fitted.  He’d never really thought of himself as an ass man, but he found that more and more lately, his eyes were drawn to Chloe’s rather remarkable derriere.  What she lacked in height she certainly made up for in proportion.  And those red, high-heeled sandals were doing her shapely legs more than a few favors while putting a lot of dirty thoughts in his head - something he didn’t need any help with where Chloe was concerned.

Oliver turned back to the bar as Chloe disappeared into the crowd.  “I’ll have a club soda.”

Sean looked surprised.  “I had you pegged for a scotch,” he said as he poured Oliver’s drink.

“Early morning meeting tomorrow,” Oliver explained as he took the glass Sean handed him.

“So, you and Sullivan, huh?”  Sean began mixing a drink order as he spoke.

Oliver took a sip of his soda before replying evenly, “I don’t see how that’s your business.”

“I guess it’s not.  She doesn’t seem like your usual type though and don’t get me wrong, I got nothing against playing the field.  I’ve done my share,” Sean replied.  “And I’ve never been that interested in long term relationships but for a woman like Sullivan?  I’d make an exception.”

Oliver felt a surge of irritation and suddenly wished he’d ordered something stronger than club soda.  “You know, just because you read the tabloids or see me around town doesn’t mean you know me.”

“True enough,” Sean answered as he handed the drink order off to a server.  “But I see the way you look at her.  I just think you should ask yourself how far down that path you’re willing to go.  And if it’s not all the way?  Walk away, man.  She deserves more.”

Oliver set his glass down with a decisive clink against the bar, struggling to hold onto his temper.  “Thanks for the drink.”  He turned and walked along the perimeter of the pavilion, stopping to talk to both business and casual acquaintances as he kept an eye out for Chloe.  On the one hand, Sean rubbed him completely the wrong way because he saw how the other man looked at Chloe, too.  On the other hand, he knew Sean had a point, and that irritated him even more.

Chloe did deserve to have someone who could invest a hundred percent into a relationship with her.  And between running his company, his patrols and guiding his team, he didn’t have a hundred percent to devote to anyone.  It was one of the reasons he had ended things with Lois, and the main reason Lois had rejected him even after she’d learned the truth about his alter ego.  What if he tried to take things to another level with Chloe and it all backfired?  The possibility of not having her in his life at all was a real concern at this point.

Then again, she might not even be thinking of him in those terms.  He wasn’t blind, so he knew she was attracted to him, and they’d had a flirtation going in past weeks that was gradually ramping up in intensity.  But attraction alone did not a relationship make; at least, not the kind he was beginning to think he wanted with her.  She’d obviously been hanging onto her childhood crush on Clark for years, and Oliver honestly had no idea if she had put those feelings to rest or not.  The fact that they still weren’t talking about whatever had happened between them told him there were still strong feelings in play.  Then there was Jimmy.  She always put Clark ahead of everyone else, including Jimmy.  Would he be able to handle being second in her life once she and Clark worked out their differences?

He finally spotted Chloe talking to Star City’s mayor, James Whittaker.  He rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, his expression brooding as he watched her making notes in her notebook.  He wished he could talk to someone who knew Chloe - but, his choices were pretty limited.  There was Clark, of course, but he’d rather shoot himself in the foot with one of his own arrows than talk to Clark about putting the moves on Chloe.  That pretty much left Lois.  And since she was his ex-girlfriend, she wasn’t really the best option either.

“Your companion tonight is quite an interesting woman.”

Oliver glanced to his left as Bruce joined him.  “You haven’t even met her.”

Bruce shook his head.  “Oh, I’ve met her - earlier today when I was leaving your office.  Her cell phone was dead so I very graciously allowed her to use mine.  She mentioned she wasn’t very good with technology.”

“Really?”  Oliver fought the grin that was threatening to creep across his face as he wondered what Chloe was up to.

“And yet, the strangest thing happened this afternoon.  After I left the lovely Ms. Sullivan at your office, someone hacked my phone and sent me a text - I’d show you, but they also changed my password and I appear to be locked out at the moment.  Mr. Fox is working on that little problem.”

“So what did the message say?”  Oliver asked, the corners of his mouth twitching.

“It was a warning about the dangers of letting my guard down, and it was accompanied by an interesting little emoticon - a vampire bat happy face.  Signed, W.T.  I’m going to take a wild guess and say that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the infamous Watchtower,” Bruce murmured, his eyes on Chloe now as well.

God, that was so Chloe and Oliver couldn’t help laughing.  “She obviously knew she was outing herself.  I’d have paid good money to see her conning you today,” he added, already planning to have Victor pull the security feed from his office.

Bruce glanced at Oliver.  “I’d have guessed after seeing you with her tonight anyway.  Hard as it is for me to believe, Oliver Queen is wearing his heart on his sleeve for a tiny, brainy blonde with mad hacking skills.  I’d try to steal her away, but I think I’d have a fight on my hands.”

“Damn straight,” Oliver muttered.  “Get your own sidekick.”

“Odd though,” Bruce continued.  “You don’t usually drag your feet when it comes to the ladies.  Something you need to talk about?”

“With you?  You’ve tried to steal two of my girlfriends in the past couple of years.”

“Come on, man, I think ‘girlfriend’ is a stretch, don’t you?  I can be sensitive to the fact that you are clearly way out of your depth here.  You can get drunk and tell me your girl troubles, and I’ll pat you on the back and reassure you that love conquers all.”  Bruce smirked as he continued to needle Oliver.

Oliver wondered how much damage control his PR people would have to do if he knocked Bruce on his ass.  Probably a lot - it was a political fundraiser, and press were crawling all over the place.  “Funny coming from the guy who let said tiny blonde get the best of him after only one meeting.”

“Like I said before, she’s quite a woman - one I’d like to know better.  I believe I’ll take you up on that team meeting while I’m in town.  Maybe this weekend?”  Bruce glanced at his watch.  “I have another event to attend this evening.  I’ll see you in the morning for our breakfast meeting.”

Oliver was beginning to regret ever asking Bruce to join a League meeting.  He wasn’t used to feeling like he had so much competition for a woman’s attention.  Mike, Sean and now Bruce - hell, she probably had half the newsroom pining for her attention too.  Jealousy was an unfamiliar emotion to Oliver because his relationships usually didn’t warrant it.  He had no doubt that was exactly what he was feeling now though, and he didn’t like it at all.


Chloe concluded her interview with Mayor Whittaker and watched him continue to work the crowd, glad handing anyone who might line his campaign coffers.  For weeks, Chloe had had her suspicions that the good mayor of Star City was somehow involved in Helen Jenkins’ fraudulent activities.  The two had worked closely together long before he’d been the mayor, though he’d definitively distanced himself from her since the scandal broke.  There was also the fact that talking to him set off her bullshit detector on a five alarm level, something she’d learned to pay attention to in her years of dealing with both Lionel and Lex.  Yet, she had absolutely no proof that his hands were dirty.

She sensed Oliver’s approach before she saw him, and that familiar warmth crept over her as he slid an arm around her waist.  “Did I see you talking to Bruce earlier?”

“He told me that he met you this afternoon.  He’s also agreed to a team meeting, despite that trick with his phone - or maybe because of it.  You’ve definitely piqued his interest.”  Oliver paused, trying to keep the jealousy from his tone.  “By the way, you’ll have a little delivery tomorrow as a thank you.”

Chloe wondered if Oliver was jealous of Bruce.  It seemed unlikely, but she didn’t think she was imagining the slight edge in his voice when he talked about Bruce.  She turned and looked up at him, smiling playfully as she rested her hand on his arm.  “You realize that by rewarding me, you’re only encouraging me to make Bruce’s life hell.”

Oliver tightened his arm around her as he grinned.  “There’s a downside to that?”

Chloe shook her head as she slid her hand down to link her fingers with Oliver’s.  “Come on, I need food and a really good martini.”

“Do you have everything for your article?”  Oliver asked, allowing Chloe to pull him along behind her.  At her nod, he said, “I have an idea then.  We’ll have one drink, make the rounds once more, and then there’s a little French bistro that just opened that I think you’ll love.  Sound good?”

Frankly, anything involving Oliver sounded good to her at this point.  “I like the way you think, Mr. Queen.”

The food at the French restaurant was casual but delicious, and Chloe enjoyed the conversation with Oliver over a bottle of wine even more.  When she was with him, she felt like she held his full attention, regardless of the people who stopped to talk to him whenever he was out.  And then there were the women; seriously, they were everywhere and had no problem throwing themselves at Oliver right in front of her.  He was always polite but perfunctory, and he usually got rid of the intruders as quickly as possible.

It was empowering and revelatory.  In the past, she’d always shared Clark’s attention with Lana and even with Lois to a certain extent.  And Jimmy’s attention had wandered to Clark’s cousin, Kara, though she knew he hadn’t actively chosen to pursue his interest.  Having the full and undivided attention of a man like Oliver Queen was boosting her girl power to new heights.

After dinner, Oliver drove Chloe back to his office so she could get her car.  And though she’d assured him it wasn’t necessary, he insisted on following her back to her apartment.  He ushered her safely into her building, and Chloe held her breath as they stood in front of her door, the tension between them thick with things she wasn’t sure she was ready for.

Something about the way Oliver was looking at her tonight seemed different, and she trembled slightly as he slid his hand across her shoulders.  He leaned down and gently, oh so gently, pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth.  That smell that was distinctly Oliver was making her dizzy, and she had never wanted anyone to kiss her more than she did at that moment.  When he pulled away, Chloe realized she was holding her breath, and she let it out slowly as she unlocked her door.  She wondered if anyone had ever died from unresolved sexual tension or if she’d be the first victim.

“I don’t think I told you earlier, but that dress?  Very nice,” Oliver said as he winked at her and turned back toward the elevator.

Chloe couldn’t wipe the grin off her face as she closed her door and slid down to sit on the floor.  She leaned her head back as she waited for her Oliver high to die down.  He was definitely killing her, and now more than ever, she could see they were approaching a crossroads.  She was falling for him, fast, and hard.  Her smile faded as she thought about what that meant.  She reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, hitting a speed dial button and waiting for the answering message to conclude.  “Hey Lo, it’s your favorite cousin calling to see if you think you can make it out here to visit me anytime soon.  Call me back when you get this message and we’ll work out a time, ok?  Love you.”

Chloe hung up and before she could lose her nerve, she dialed another number from her contact list.  He answered immediately, and Chloe felt her anxiety easing as soon as she heard his voice.  “Clark?  It’s Chloe.”

A/N:  Sorry for the long wait (again) - I wish I had more time to work on these stories, but I’m home visiting for the first time in 18 months, and RL has been insanely busy with constant interruptions.  I have finished outlining this story, and it will be about 18 chapters, so we’re on the downhill slide.

I totally rewrote the beginning of this chapter b/c I was having issues with the timing in the story.  This chapter was also about 3,000 words longer, but I decided to put that with the next chapter.  Hopefully with all the changes it still flows well.  The next one only needs editing, so I’ll update this story again soon.  No beta, so let me know if you see mistakes.  Just for fun, I have found pics to go along with my original characters.  If you’d like to take a look, you can find them on my Livejournal account.  If any of you are on Twitter, please look me up (@poetgirl925.)  Thanks again to all who read and review!  I hope you’re enjoying the story.  Special thanks to NovemberVisionary at FF for allowing me to bounce ideas around with her - it's very helpful!

Read Chapter 13 here

smallville, poetgirl925, chlollie, fic: letting go, fanfiction

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