Story Updates - Chlollie

Jan 30, 2017 02:20

Since I'm still getting a few messages here at LJ, I wanted to let everyone know why this journal hasn't been updated in a long time. Basically, LJ is not as user friendly as I would like. I was having a lot of trouble posting updates a few years ago - random HTML code would be inserted at times or long chapters would fail to post. So, I started moving things over to a new site called AO3 (Archive of Our Own.) My username is the same everywhere (Poetgirl925) so you should be able to find me. I haven't yet moved all of my Chlollie stories over there, but many have been moved. The story 'If You Want Me' was moved and finished over there. There are new stories posted there that are not posted here, such as 'Under the Mistletoe' and 'Into the Dark.' Since 'Letting Go' is finished and just needs editing, I'll be moving that fic next and finishing it over there.

If I have time I'll try to update here, but if it's too difficult? I'm not going to bother and you can find all updates at AO3. I apologize for any inconvenience this may pose. I liked posting at LJ because I could post banners but with all the posting trouble I had, it really wasn't worth it anymore. 

updates, chlollie, fanfiction

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