Aug 14, 2006 01:05
At work again...This is my long week and I won't get to see my fiancee much at all. The 1/2 hour in the morning just isn't enough. We try to see each other in the evenings, but that doesn't always work out. I really, really want off nights.
I did get to see one of the few people I truly like the other night on a spur of the moment side trip. I just wish I had been up to climbing the damn dinosaur. Now, we just need to figure when and where to set up a get together doing something fun.
I did not know that someones birthday was the 11th, so ... Happy late birthday Trent. Hope you had a good one.
I really want to go out somewhere this weekend... I don't know where or what, but I want to go out without any munchkins and have a night out as an adult. Which means tiring the little ones out by hiking or something so the grandparents can handle them... that is if we can get the grandparents to watch them.
Have a good night and don't end up on my dispatch board.