a mountain

Aug 19, 2006 00:38

A mountain 9/15/2004
A Mountain 1-18-03

Life is like a mountain
you must walk so ar to reach the top
but once you're there
you walk on unsteady ground
you start to geel over-confident
and become bored
you then try to run through life
thinking you can take everything thrown at you
then you start to slip and fall
you try to grab on to anything and everything
calling for help
for no one to hear
you hit the bottom
the bottom of a mountain
so dark and so lonely
some look around for help
some look for a corner to give up
others look up and start the challenge
with lots of ridges
and lots of paths
some take the wrong path and give up
some take the path
yet takes them a longer to get up
others get lucky and makes to to the top
but once your at the top
you look back
and see the beauty that you missed
cause you ran
but those who take their time
one day at a time
look forward
and see the beauty yet to come
life and rebirth
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