old poem fine

Aug 19, 2006 00:22

I'm fine 9/9/2003
Everyone says I'm sick
I’m not sick

I don't know what is wrong with me

It's god's way of punishing me

for everything I've done and said

I’m not sick

This happens to everyone

I don't have a problem

I eat just fine

Nothing is wrong

I'm just fine

Nothing is wrong I’m just fine

I'm not sick no need to worry

Just leave me alone

Get out of my life!


Leave me alone!!!

Just go !!!

I hate you all!!!

Just leave me alone!!!

You push into my life

After so many years

why now?

leave me alone!!

Just leave me alone!!

Just leave me alone!!!

Nothing is wrong

nothing at all!

Why am I crying ?

Why am I yelling? you ask

I'm crying cause you won’t leave

I’m yelling cause your still here

I'll be just fine if you go

I can take care of myself


Just leave


I'm begging you now

just go

I'll be just fine

Just please leave me alone

Quit acting like you care

I'm fine
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