Mar 02, 2010 00:51
Title: A Numbers Game
Author: poestheblackcat
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Max/Alec
Warnings/Spoilers: Not much, but they're all supposed to take place after "Freak Nation."
Summary: Like the Alphabet Prompt stories but with numbers instead. Very short. Mostly Max/Alec but snark instead of romance most of the time.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: Sorry about the absence of the LJ-cut thing. I couldn’t get it to work for some reason. But these are short, so that should be okay, right? *sheepish*
A Numbers Game
8. Someone Asks Someone Else A Really Important Question
One word.
Changed their lives.
Forever. Like nothing else.
Not almost being too late.
Not getting shot and nearly dying.
One question. One answer. Changed their lives.
They’d never be the same again. Not ever.
Not after this. It changed everything. Their whole relationship.
“Did you or did you not eat my chocolate bar?”
AN: Haha, had you fooled, didn’t I?
a numbers game,
dark angel,