DA/SPN Fanfic: Snake Demon (4/?)

Sep 21, 2009 22:23

Title: Snake Demon

Author: poestheblackcat

Rating: PG-13

Crossover: Dark Angel/Supernatural

Characters/Pairings: Max/Alec-ish, Sam, Dean

Warning/Spoilers: Both Seasons of DA, up to Season 3 finale of SPN and parts of Season 4, may be AU in future chapters

Summary: Third in "Ghosts of the Past" stories. Minoan runes appear all over Alec's body. What do they mean and how are they connected to the Winchesters? And why is Alec Dean's clone?

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to their respective owners.

Snake Demon

Chapter 4

Max sighed and put her forehead down on the cool surface of her desk. She was starting to get a headache, so she’d popped a few tryptophan tablets earlier. It was probably the beginning signs of another seizure that would incapacitate her for a while, so she’d need to finish this paperwork before it hit.

But maybe she could take a little break. She breathed in through her nose and relaxed the tense muscles in her shoulders while letting her breath out through her mouth. It didn’t alleviate the pressure building up behind her closed eyes, though.

The door to her office opened and someone sauntered in, but she barely registered it as a flare of pain flashed through her skull and she grabbed at it with both hands. She let out a gasp at the pain and the stabbing sensation in her brain increased.

She was aware of hands gripping her shoulders hard and also a throaty moan that tapered off into choked whimper. Somewhere in her hazy consciousness Max realized that it was coming from herself.

Then flash-the pain increased tenfold and from the darkness that had fallen across her vision appeared something that frightened her more than anything she’d ever seen in her life. A pair of menacing eyes, glowing in the dark. Just that, nothing more, but still, it filled her with a fear that she didn’t understand. The white-hot sensation speared through her brain and she cried out in pain.

And then it was gone. She heard her name being shouted in her face, and strong hands wrapped tight around her. “Max! Come on, answer me.” Alec. He sounded worried. No, scratch that. He sounded panicked. “Wake up.”

She blinked and the world returned to normal. Only Alec’s face loomed in her vision, his expression matching his voice. “Keep you hands to yourself, perv,” she growled.

Alec’s features screwed up into a comically bewildered look and his hands shot off her arms. Without him holding her up, she slumped partly back onto the floor before she could reach out a hand to prop herself up on the floor where she’d fallen during her bad acid trip-like vision-thing. “Max? Are you…” He licked dry lips. “Are you okay?”

No, she wasn’t but she wasn’t about to tell him that. “I’m fine.” Damn, her voice was raspy and her heart was still pounding from the indescribable fear she’d felt, and she was sure Alec could sense it, but she wasn’t about to go all melty damsel-in-distress on him.

She struggled to get back up into her chair, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alec reach out to help her, but apparently, she’d scared him off because he stopped himself.

“Max,” he attempted hesitantly, running his tongue over oh-so-kissable-what?!-lips. “What was that?”

Which was exactly the question that was running through her own thundering and hammering head. She winced and rubbed her forehead. She’d had premonition-type things before, like at the Jam Pony siege, but this was something different. This wasn’t even much of a premonition-it didn’t predict anything. It just filled her with fear and she didn’t like that feeling. It reminded her too much of her fine Manticore “education” and the years on the run after that. And it hurt like hell.

“Just a really bad headache,” she said.

Alec gave her a skeptical look. Skeptical, but worried as hell. “Right.” He wrapped his hand around her arm and tugged. “Come on. You’re overworked and tired. Maybe you’re due for a seizure, huh? You need to go home, take some tryptophan, and get some rest.”

Max closed her eyes. Rest sounded good. And a soft pillow, mmm. She nodded. “Okay,” she mumbled, much to Alec’s surprise. That headache must be pretty bad if she was agreeing to stop working and go home.

But all he said was, “Okay,” and put his hand on her back to support her as she stood. Make that “really bad” if she’s letting him help her.

Max feebly shoved him off. “What’d I say about keeping your hands to yourself, Alec?” Never mind. Spoke too soon.

Alec let go and made a show of standing aside to let her pass with his hands up in plain sight, but he followed her staggering, stubborn, fine ass all the way back to her apartment, skillfully ignoring all the variations on “Go away, Alec. I’m fine!” she tossed his way. After making sure she didn’t collapse in the streets or whatever, he saw her off at the door-okay, she slammed the door in his face to punctuate her final “Leave me alone!”-he shook his head in concern and returned to Max’s office. There was still paperwork to be completed, incapacitated leader or not. He’d come check on her in a little while.

Max dragged her achy-headed body to the bed and wrapped the worn covers around herself. What was happening to her? First those weird tattoos (she was more relieved than she let on that she wasn’t the only one with those anymore), then the freaky sixth-sense thing she had sometimes when she was in danger, and now this?

This was beyond weird. This was scary. Max shuddered as she thought of what she’d seen in her vision. A pair of glowing yellow eyes.


Chapter 5

supernatural, snake demon, ghosts of the past, dark angel, fanfiction, crossover, mistaken identity

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