Title: Snake Demon
Author: poestheblackcat
Rating: PG-13
Crossover: Dark Angel/Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Max/Alec-ish, Sam, Dean
Warning/Spoilers: Both Seasons of DA, up to Season 3 finale of SPN and parts of Season 4, may be AU in future chapters
Summary: Third in "Ghosts of the Past" stories. Minoan runes appear all over Alec's body. What do they mean and how are they connected to the Winchesters? And why is Alec Dean's clone?
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to their respective owners.
AN: Okie dokie. This is the sequel to my fanfic “Ghosts of the Past,” which is a crossover between Dark Angel and Supernatural. It is set in the DA timeline, some time after the events of FN, which means it is about 15 years in the future for the SPN characters. I also wrote a short story “Mistaken Identity,” which takes place after GOTP. Reading the above stories is highly recommended before reading this fic, but according to a couple of my readers, not totally necessary. There are spoilers for both seasons for DA and definitely up to Season 3 with kind of vague spoilers for Season 4 of SPN. (At least for now. Later warnings will override this one.)
Again, SPN fans, the Winchesters will not appear until a little while into the story, so bear with me. They’ll show up soon. That means DA for the first chapter(s).
Snake Demon
Chapter 1
Seattle ,Washington
July 2022
“Oh hell no.”
Alec stared at his reflection with something akin to disbelief. Now normally, he would take a cursory glance at himself in the cracked bathroom mirror just before his morning shower, but today, his vision was zeroed in on the line of tiny black symbols curving across his chest. And scrolling over his right ribs. His eyes moved upward to take in the tattoos appearing on his left shoulder. He turned around and craned his neck to see-
“What the-Oh come on!” Alec exclaimed. His back was covered with the same black writing that was on his front.
Joshua’s slightly concerned voice came from just outside the bathroom door. “Alec okay?”
Frowning, Alec replied, “Yeah, just peachy. I’m breaking out in Ancient Minoan runes faster than you can say ‘laser me’.” He opened the door. “This sucks.”
Joshua took in the markings covering his friend’s torso. “Writing. Like Max.”
Alec pouted. “Exactly. Except when it was happening to her, it was funnier. And hers took longer to show up. What’s with this speed-tattooing, huh?” he said, looking down. “These definitely were not here last night.” He scrunched his nose as he poked angrily at one of the marks.
Joshua cocked his head to the side to think. “Need to tell Max and Logan. Logan can find out what they say.”
“Yeah. Okay.” Alec sighed. “Well, I’m heading back in to take a shower first.” He closed the door.
As he turned away, Joshua heard the water turn on. Half a minute later, he winced at Alec’s disbelieving exclamation, “What the hell! They’re all over the place!”
Max looked up from her morning glass of milk as Alec strode into her apartment. “Max, I have a problem.”
“What is it?” she asked. Come to think of it, Alec did look a little weird, like he’d seen a ghost or something. Okay, not really a funny joke, even inside her head after the events of four months ago. She was hit with a sense of deja-vu as Alec started taking off his jacket then his shirt.
“What the hell are you doing?” Max cried, standing up, staring at the X5 stripping in her living room.
Alec stopped and put his arms in front of him in a defensive position. “Don’t kick me just yet. I’ll explain once I get this off.” With that, he drew the black cotton over his head.
Max stared. Not just at the hundreds of tiny black symbols that could be seen on his smooth skin, but at the toned muscles of his torso as well. Nice view.
Alec turned. “There’s more on my back. And lower down, but I’m not letting you see those,” he said with a smirk.
“Like I would ever want to,” Max said distractedly. The way she felt flushed seeing his bare skin made her feel uncomfortable. Maybe she was starting her heat cycle. Which wasn’t due for another month. She swallowed. “We should give Logan a call. Have him get started on deciphering them, see what the message is.”
“What do you think they say?” Alec asked, cocking his head to the side. “Yours say something like ‘The Chosen One’ and ‘The Evil Apocalypse is coming’ and Doomsday crap like that, right? Maybe mine say something about how hot and awesome I am.”
“Shut up, Alec. I don’t know what they say. I don’t read Ancient Minoan.” Max stalked towards the door with an exasperated expression. “Put your shirt back on, idiot. Let’s get over to Headquarters so we can video ‘em over.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Alec shifted uncomfortably. He had always known that he was attractive, even for Manticore standards-he’d been made that way-but being ogled hungrily by every female Transgenic within eye distance of the computer at the center of Terminal City headquarters while he had his shirt off was a tad unnerving.
The fact that the video connection did not seem to want to work that morning was also making him a bit edgy.
“Luke,” he growled, cheeks flaming and arms crossed protectively over his be-runed torso, “What the hell is wrong with it?”
The Nomlie looked up from the bundle of wires he was fussing with and blinked owlishly at the blushing Transgenic. “I don’t know yet. I’m trying to figure out why the camera image isn’t transferring to the screen and the-”
Alec interrupted impatiently. “Can you fix it or not?” he gritted out. “Preferably within the next five minutes.” He glanced uncomfortably at the she-sharks eying him predatorily.
Max smirked from her position nearby, leaning against the rail separating the raised platform from the rest of the room. “Aww, is poor Alec shy?” she cooed sarcastically. “And here I was thinking you liked showing off.”
Luke cut the male X5’s growling retort short. “No, sorry. It’ll probably take all day to fix this if you want it done right away.”
Alec scowled and reached for his shirt to the disappointment of the cluster of females standing in the room. “Fine. Just fine.” He tugged his jacket back on. “Come on, Max. Let’s go pay Logan a visit, and save ourselves some time.”
Chapter 2