Two Future Fics (Supernatural/Dark Angel)

Jul 19, 2009 14:38

Author’s Note: This post contains two stories set in the timeline of Dark Angel with characters from Supernatural (hence SPN futurefic).

Story art by davincis_girl.

Title: The Gospel of Winchester
Author: poestheblackcat
Rating: PG-13
Crossover: Dark Angel/Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Alec, Max, Sam, Dean (Gen)
Warning/Spoilers: Season 2 of DA, Seasons 3 and 4 of SPN. This story is set in the future of SPN and mentions the death of at least one SPN character, but this is not an angsty story.
Summary: Max and Alec steal a set of books with some ghostly assistance. Not part of "Ghosts of the Past" crossover stories.
Find it here on

Title: The Time Alec Got Hustled By An Ordinary Old Guy
Author: poestheblackcat
Rating: PG-13
Crossover: Dark Angel/Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Alec, mystery man from SPN (Gen)
Warning/Spoilers: Season 2 of DA, not much from SPN. This story is set in the future of SPN and mentions the death of at least one SPN character, but angst is not the focus.

Summary: Just what the title says. One special pool game. Not part of my "Ghosts of the Past" crossover stories.
Find it here on

AN: Thanks to davincis_girl for helping me with all the very confusing LJ coding. I’d be useless without her.

supernatural, ghost!fic, dark angel, fanfiction, crossover

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